- Fitness centers, hair salons and laundry services
- Gas stations
- Restaurants and medical centers
- Prices and location
- The service quality level
- The uniqueness of service
- Consumables
Fitness centers, hair salons, and laundry services
are suitable for those, who are doing their first steps in the simulation. These particular enterprises do not require dealing with suppliers, but instead there is a need to select the right location, and equipment and hire qualified staff. There is also one specific factor- there is no computer-generated competition- business owners will have to compete with other participants like themselves.
Gas stations
are very similar to the stores. You will have to purchase wholesale gasoline and sell it at retail prices.
Restaurants and medical centers
are also considered service sector businesses in the simulation. They require purchasing consumables and evaluating their price and quality correlation. It takes several game turns to build medical centers, other service sector businesses are rented, which means they can be opened in one game turn.

Example of the «Supply» function of the restaurant:

Prices and location
The factors such as prices and locations are the most important in the service sector. If your competition has lowered the prices of their services, you will need to take urgent measures and experiment with different production costs, specializations and location of your business.
The service quality level
To increase your qualifications and, as a consequence, management skills and performance, it is important to maintain a high level of service, which, in turn, depends on the quality of equipment and employees.
The uniqueness of the service
The more unique your service is, the more visitors you attract. Your service business is unique in case you are the only one offering services in the market.
If there is competition, the uniqueness of your services is, naturally, decreased. Try to establish your service sector business in those markets, where there is no competition. Or choose the specialization, which has not been used yet. This will allow you to generate profit.
Pay attention to the quality of the consumables in restaurants and medical centers. They affect the visitor traffic and, as a consequence, the profit of your business.