Virtonomics Business Challenge

Business simulations for student competitions;

Company games for managers & entrepreneurs.

Business simulations for students and managers!


Competitions in business simulations for students

Competitions in business simulations for students

Organize a management and entrepreneurship competition for your students in an online business simulation. The spirit of competition, game format, and realistic business simulation will help students gain their first practical business experience, consolidate their knowledge, or motivate them to launch their startups.


Management games and contests for companies

Management games and contests for companies

Organize an exciting corporate competition for your employees and colleagues in the format of a team management game. Management skills and complex decision-making, competition, cooperation and leadership – you will find it all in the VBC! Uncover hidden entrepreneurial talents in your company’s employees!


Entrepreneurship games and contests

Online events for entrepreneurs, startups, and small businesses

Is developing youth entrepreneurship, creating a startup culture, and stimulating small businesses a priority task for your organization? Great! Organize a regular open Virtonomics Business Challenge championship in your region! Train and motivate aspiring entrepreneurs, and reward the winners!

Business competition for your students or employees!

Easy setup in 10 minutes:

Set up a business game

  • Register a Game Master account, choose a game scenario, and set dates for the event.
  • Set the number of participants and generate e-tickets for their access.

Tickets and landing page

  • Get e-tickets and a landing page for your Game.
  • Set up your landing page: Title, description, and logo for your event.

Invitation of participants

  • Distribute the link, tickets, or promotional code to potential participants.
  • Registration of participants is open until the start date of the event.

Start and progress:

Start of the game

  • Players are introduced to the rules and capabilities of the business simulation in a demo mode.
  • Your Game will start automatically at the time you set.
  • Players take control of their virtual businesses by the scenario.

Game process

  • The business simulation is turn-based and consists of rounds. Each round lasts 1 hour or 1 day.
  • Players develop their virtual companies, and businesses, and compete with each other.
  • Each player’s progress is displayed online in an overall ranking table.

Control and moderation

  • Before the competition starts, you can change its settings.
  • The game process is automated and does not require mandatory moderation.
  • If necessary, the Game Master can influence the gameplay.

Finishing the Game:

Final and game results

  • All players complete the game at the same time according to the schedule you set.
  • The Game Master receives a detailed report on the results of each player and a summary report.


  • Each participant in your competition receives a certificate of participation in your business game.
  • The Game Master can customize the content and appearance of certificates.

Incentives and awards

  • The Game Master himself sets the rules for encouraging participants and awards the winners.
  • Students may be awarded academic credits (SCH, ECTS,…) at the teacher’s discretion.

Business simulation scenarios

Our clients: 1000+ universities, business schools and companies


Information for Game Masters

For what tasks and for what audiences is the Virtonomics Business Challenge service intended?

Business games and management competitions for business schools, universities, and college students. VBC allows teachers or heads of educational institutions to conduct competitive online business games among their students to consolidate knowledge, gain basic practical business skills, motivate, and remove psychological barriers and fears of failure in entrepreneurial activity. Competing in a realistic business simulation allows students to experience the role of a business founder or leader fully. Teachers can either embed long-term VBC games into their courses or organize periodic short-term game-based championships for their students.

Company games for managers and employees. Playing a business simulation in the role of business executive will allow your managers and employees to comprehensively feel the essence of the work of a top manager, understand how different business functions and processes are structured, understand what their colleagues are doing, and learn to compete and cooperate. VBC games can be used for training and coaching employees, motivation and team building, assessment, talent identification, and career planning.

Regional and global competitions for aspiring entrepreneurs and small businesses. Such events are often in demand by various municipal, regional, and state institutions and ministries, whose goal is the development of entrepreneurship, startup ecosystems, and small businesses. VBC allows you to conduct large-scale online events, competitions, and business games for these audiences with minimal organizational and financial costs. The Virtonomics business simulation brand, one of the most famous and respected professional business simulations on the global market, eliminates any questions of trust in the service provider.

What is a Game Master Account and a Participant Account, what are the differences?

A Game Master account is created by a user who plans to organize a business game or competition in a business simulation for other users – for Game Participants. For example, a professor wants to organize a management championship in a business simulation for his students. To do this, the professor needs to create a Game Master Account.

A Participant account is created by a user who wants to take part as a player in one of the business games that are held on the Virtonomics Business Challenge platform. For example, a student received an invitation from his teacher to participate in a faculty competition in management and a link to the landing page for this event. By registering on the event landing page as a participant in this competition, the student receives a Participant Account, from which he already gets into the Game.

How many participants can simultaneously participate in the competition and play in one business game?

Virtonomics is a multiplayer business simulation. Therefore, a single group game or gaming competition can have anywhere from 2 to 500,000 participants simultaneously.

Virtonomics Business Challenge is a turn-based business game consisting of rounds. For group competitive games, two business simulation intensity modes are available:

In Intensive mode, each game round lasts 1 hour, and 5-8 hours is recommended for this game mode. The intensive game mode is more suitable for short one-day events, which require participants to be completely immersed in the Game for this time.

In Classic mode, each round lasts 1 day, and for playing in this relaxed mode, a total game duration of 10-30 rounds (days) is recommended, depending on the goals of your gaming event. The classic mode is optimal for thoughtful play parallel to the educational or work process of participants and for geographically dispersed groups. This game mode allows participants to enter the game at any time convenient for them, regardless of their time zone, but also synchronize their gameplay with the rest of the group.

Information for Participants

I received an invitation from my teacher/colleague. How do I register and get into the Game?

Follow the link sent to you to the event landing page. Enter the access code sent to you in the registration form. After registration, you will be taken to your Participant’s Account, and in the “My Games” section you will see the card of the business game you were invited to and registered for.

Can I practice in the business simulation before starting the Competition?

Of course. If you register as a Participant a little bit in advance, you have time to get used to the simulator in the trial mode. In the Participant’s Account, go to the page of the scheduled game and click the “Start Simulator” button. The business simulation will start in the trial mode, which will last for 3 rounds. This will be enough time for you to learn the most important aspects and interface of the business simulation, and to be more successful in the group competition.

Can I participate in two business games at the same time?

Yes. If you have registered in two Games, you will see in your Participant’s Profile two cards of the Game Competitions in which you are participating. You can log in to the business simulation of each competition. If you participate in several games in parallel, it is more convenient to do it from different browsers.

How do I get a certificate for completing a game in Virtonomics Business Challenge?

After completing the business challenge, log in to your Participant’s Profile and click “Get Certificate” button on the card of the game you have completed.

How can I see the results of the competition and my place in the overall ranking?

During the game process, you can see your place in the team rating by clicking on the “Rating” item in the game menu. After the end of the game to view the final rating, go to your Participant’s Profile, find the card of the past game in the “Games Archive” section, and click on it. The page with the final results of the competition will open.

What browser should I use for the game?

We recommend using Chrome, IE, Edge, and Safari. FireFox is not recommended.

I previously participated in the Virtonomics Business Challenge as a player. Now I want to organize the game myself for my friends/colleagues/clients. How can I do it?

To do this, you need to register a special Game Master account at .

Virtonomics Business Challenge platform VS Virtonomics business simulations

How is VBC different from other Virtonomics business simulations? Why do I need the VBC platform as an organizer of business games?

The most important difference is that the Tycoon and Entrepreneur simulations CANNOT be used for group and competitive games. The Gameplay, interfaces, and monetization logic of Virtonomics Tycoon and Entrepreneur games are designed for other purposes – as an entertaining game (Tycoon), and as an educational solo game (Entrepreneur). These are online games that have no end and a fixed result and are designed for endless play by solo players in the “all against all” mode, in which the user can buy game advantages and boosters that improve his results relative to other players. Therefore, it is impossible to organize a group and competitive game with transparent and relevant results in these games. The Virtonomics Business Challenge platform was created and designed specifically for group and competitive games.

Features and functionality of Virtonomics Business Challenge for conducting group business games and competitions:

Convenient and simple Game Master interface for creating, setting up, and launching group and competitive games in a business simulation;

Select from a variety of ready-made business simulation scenarios created specifically for competitive group business games;

Interface and gameplay VBC focuses the attention of players precisely on the goals of the selected game scenario;

The Game Master can upload his teaching materials intended for the participants of his game event into the business simulation interface;

The Game Master can run several games and competitions simultaneously for different groups;

Game Master receives a convenient interface for inviting, registering, and monitoring the results of participants in business games;

For each business game or competition created by the Game Master, a special landing page is automatically created for inviting and registering participants;

Convenient and extremely simple interface for editing the landing page of your business game;

For each group of players in each business game, a rating table of players is formed that displays the online progress and results of the participants;

Based on the results of the game, the Game Master receives a detailed visual report with the game results of all participants;

All settings and materials from past games and competitions are saved in the Game Master’s archive, and you can very easily restart previous games on new dates;

All participants in the VBC are in equal conditions, and none of the players can obtain any unconventional advantages over other players, except in the ways provided for by the game scenario;

All Virtonomics Business Challenge players receive special certificates upon completion of the game;