Business Simulation Game

Last updates

We are resuming our regular Last Uptades column, where we publish updates and fixes for notable bugs.

After completing the main work on creating our new platform for corporate games Virtonomics Business Challenge, our team focused on improving the game interface and various group operations. We plan to post information about this work in this section of the blog.

We remind you that you can send your comments and suggestions on improving the game interfaces via the feedback form, selecting the appropriate section.

A number of public political pages have been updated, including elections at various levels.

A Management page has been added, which contains the main functions for managing your company.
In addition, a new B2B sales functionality has been added – this page allows you to manage a group of units that sell products, setting a price for them at once depending on the cost of production with certain steps.

The information in mails when purchasing various game entities has been changed, the data on the accrual of GP now corresponds exactly to the value that is added to the player’s account.

Changes have been made to the order of displaying products in various lists (trade hall, order of products in an order, display of products on the company’s main page), the order is set alphabetically (each list is generated separately, so if you encounter a display in a different form, please indicate this via Feedback, we will bring all lists to a single form).

The order of displaying concluded contracts in Store Supply has been fixed – now it is strictly formed by the date of the contract conclusion, new contracts are at the beginning of the list.

Fixed a bug in the Politics tab from Villas.

Fixed the deletion of stocks of goods.
Fixed the sorting of available warehouses when exporting goods (functionality of the Yellow Truck).

Fixed a number of party algorithms: functionality and restrictions for submitting an application for membership. Additionally, the party creation page was updated, unnecessary tabs were removed.

Unified the order of displaying goods for Shops and Warehouses – now all lists are formed alphabetically (and in particular, in supply and on the unit list).

Added functionality for group zeroing of selected contracts on the Supply page of all divisions.

Added a panel for quick transition between company divisions. The list of units is displayed at the bottom of the page and corresponds to the filter set on the unit list. For example, if you selected Laboratories, then through this panel you can go to all Laboratories sequentially, without going to the general list of divisions.

Fixed an error in displaying sales contracts for franchise and TM goods, due to which the lists were identical.

Information about the current and maximum number of visitors, the consumption of a specific product for servicing 1 client, and the total amount of materials required to service the current and maximum possible number of clients has been added to the Service Enterprise supply page with consumables.

A bug with the display of quality modifiers on service departments when changing specialization, as well as the display of an empty product on services without consumables has been fixed.

Added information on the total order quantity for a product per unit to the Retail Trade Report (for comparing sales with the total order/purchase value).

Added the “select all” functionality to the Unit / Supply tab for more convenient group management of products (for now – only a gap, it is also planned to add a zeroing functionality).

The Unit / Supply page displays the forecast quality of the purchase, taking into account the forecast quantity of the purchase (only those orders for which there is a non-zero value of the available product are taken into account).