On January 27, we are launching the functionality that players requested in their suggestions for improving our game functionality – automatic renewal of boosters.
The mechanism of the functionality is simple and clear – in the booster management or installation window, you need to mark the desired auto-renewal position. This function can also be managed from the Group Boosters Management.
Please note that for boosters whose cost is nominated in virtual money terms, auto-renewal is automatically set upon installation. For boosters whose cost is specified in the GP, auto-renewal is canceled by default.
At the same time, we are announcing a change in the cost of boosters in the near future:
- from February 3, the cost of installation and maintenance at Livestock Farms (increase by 20 times), Laboratories (increase by 50 times), Stores (increase by 10 times), Warehouses (increase by 20 times), Factories (increase by 20 times) will change.
- from February 10, deductions for political boosters (10 times) and regional bonuses (10 times) in Villas will increase.
The cost changes will only affect Boosters nominated in game currency. The cost of Boosters for game points remains unchanged.
For all already installed Boosters, the cost of maintenance will also change at the time of price update, please pay attention to this!