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List of forums -> Questions and answers. Help. -> XioScript

Here you can learn from the interaction between experienced businessmen and young entrepreneurs. You are welcome to place your questions related to our business simulation game and get the answers from experienced players


Topic created : 9.10.2013, 00:06

Last time edited : 11.08.2018, 12:19

For contribution to the development of Virtonomics Seven years with Virtonomics
Hey everybody!
Tired of the boring stuff in Virtonomics? You don't want to repair equipment anymore? Forcing all your subdivisions to go to training takes too much of your time? Setting the salary of your employees to the required amount is not fun? XioScript comes to the rescue! Never will you have to do these boring things again. Just set the options to your judgement, click on the execute button, and all subdivisions will be managed on your behalf. So you can focus your Virtonomics time on the interesting stuff.
This forum topic is the place where everything related to XioScript is discussed. In contrast to it's name, it is actually an add-on only supported on the Mozilla Firefox browser. Currently XioScript 14 is still in progress of being made, so if you want some additional functionality you should check out the older XioScript 12. My versions of XioScript 12 (12.0 and 12.1) are outdated and not working anymore, so instead you can pick up Cobr's 12.0.127 version that is working. Note that XioScript 12 really is a script, so a script add-on such as Tampermonkey is required to run, and they can run in other browsers than Firefox as well.
You can find the script/add-on here:
And please post any bugs, features or requests here:
Cobr's 12.0.127:

Message list:  

5.05.2018, 20:53

Last time edited : 5.05.2018, 21:03

Five years with Virtonomics
Japan soccer ball Swedish profile Swedish profile Swedish profile Swedish profile Swedish standard Ingvar Kamprad Order Jubilee Ten
Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Seven years with Virtonomics Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination of Consumer Goods Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics
Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination "Knowledge is power!" Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Consumer Goods Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics
XDCD Incorporated
Tested your new addon a little.
Suggestions / feedback while running it for the first time;
- When creating a new choice in modules its not completely clear you have to also click on the title(eventhough you do explain it) before you can edit (as it seems unnecesairy, you also have to enable the choice on the toggle page)
- It's slightly unclear when something is toggled on or off (possibly add text next to it or colour or Green (on) Red (off)
- It's unclear how to enable the choice at a subdivision (doesn't show anything on the subs pages).
- Add something on the subdivisions page to display the choice (and possibly the settings of the choice)
- Rather than a click-through maybe add an option to use a drop down menu aswell (as with many options clickthrough might be annoying)
- With the exentions please add on/off as text and or make it red / green also being able to click the whole box to enable (with a X or w.e on the right to disable) rather than just the title would make it a little more clear.
Small bug;
- If a module is enabled on a subdivision ( but the factory type / realm / and subdivision disabled in the toggle menu) it will keep on running after going to the unitlist.
- Webpage title of the addon is still a sequence of numbers/letters
Other than that; the pricing and page size options seem to do what they should(with normal inputs) Very we!
Also; Maybe make a step-by-step discription (what to do on which page and in which order) on the home page rather than explaining a little bit on each page to make the first time use easier.
Anyway, am liking the addon! Hope you'll kit it out as much or even more as you did with the script. 

5.05.2018, 23:55

For contribution to the development of Virtonomics Seven years with Virtonomics
I discovered the error. I was trying to change price to 0,01 using a decimal comma as I am used to. When I changed to 0.01 it worked fine. So we found one error when inputing "bullshit" (which might be quite a common mistake actually, at least in Europe) :-)

The script will be able to handle that next update. Even though every time you set a price yourself in Virtonomics you should have the same problem... I guess then it's immediately apparent.

Regaring interface - the system is different from what we are used to from XioScript. But once you get it, it is no problem. Although for a big company as mine with many subdivisions, it might be too much info on the Toggle screen if I put everything on, use different modules and so on. I really wonder how this would look. Unfortunately I don't use Firefox since my virtual company grew a little bigger as it was running considerably slower than Chrome.
Btw: When add on was installed I immediately got a couple of messages that it is slowing the Firefox. A bit annoying.

I have disabled the subdivision toggle criteria. Not only will that prevent your problem, I also see now that if you have a list of thousands of subdivisions, you are not going to find quickly the one you want to toggle. Easier would be if you just toggled the choice on a subdivision list on Virtonomics.
Those messages from Firefox, I didn't get them. Are they just on installation or do regularly they come back?
By the way: It is not possible for me to run current XioScript with all subdivision groups and all functions by pressing just one button, computer just can't handle the script (I own many thousands of subdivisons). So I have to go group by group (for example first factories than stores, than mines,...) and function by function (first technology, than training, than salaries,...). Also, when the script is running, I can't really use the virtonomics pages on the same computer. I have a decent office computer, far from worse you can buy. Do you think this aspect will be improved with the new add on concept?

With the current XioScript, you mean 12.1 and that Overview page? Yes that is a problem for a big company. If your only problem is loading the page then you don't have to worry: there is no such loading problem in XS14 as long as I disable the subdivision toggle list.
You should be able to run the execution of XS14 without problems, because the time is not limited by your computer CPU but by your internet connection: retrieving data from the server is much more time consuming and therefore your computer should have enough CPU left to casually browse pages. Furthermore, if you use Chrome as default and Firefox for the script only, and your CPU has at least two cores, you also have the benefit of running the script on a different core than your browsing, so there is always that solution. I also believe that after the Firefox Quantum update of nov. 2017, there should be no speed difference between Firefox and Chrome.

Suggestions / feedback while running it for the first time;
- When creating a new choice in modules its not completely clear you have to also click on the title(eventhough you do explain it) before you can edit (as it seems unnecesairy, you also have to enable the choice on the toggle page)
- It's slightly unclear when something is toggled on or off (possibly add text next to it or colour or Green (on) Red (off)
- It's unclear how to enable the choice at a subdivision (doesn't show anything on the subs pages).
- With the exentions please add on/off as text and or make it red / green also being able to click the whole box to enable (with a X or w.e on the right to disable) rather than just the title would make it a little more clear.
Also; Maybe make a step-by-step discription (what to do on which page and in which order) on the home page rather than explaining a little bit on each page to make the first time use easier.

I'll take those toggling suggestions in account, to make it more clear when a Module/Extension is on or off.

- If a module is enabled on a subdivision ( but the factory type / realm / and subdivision disabled in the toggle menu) it will keep on running after going to the unitlist.

I can't reprocedure this. But I also have made other changes so maybe the problem miraculously disappeared. Check it again next update.

- Webpage title of the addon is still a sequence of numbers/letters

I don't think I can do much about this. I checked the Adblock Plus (another Firefox extension) html page and there it's the same.

- Add something on the subdivisions page to display the choice (and possibly the settings of the choice)
- Rather than a click-through maybe add an option to use a drop down menu aswell (as with many options clickthrough might be annoying)

The problem here is that I really do not want your subdivision pages to get cluttered. So I tried a minimalist approach of packing the most functionality in the least amount of extra visible text. Click-through will get annoying indeed with lots of options, however smart use of the drag and drop function should keep that at a minimum. 

6.05.2018, 02:15

Основатель г.Тхайнгуен Belgian chevron Jewelry Loupe Waffle iron Founder of Hue Ancient manuscript Moai statue Moai statue
Beauty set Perfume Dentist Sandalwood Elm Elm Elm Sicilian olive
Pizza Leaning Tower Italian red Italy Gold Japan soccer ball Argentina soccer ball Argentina soccer ball Swedish profile
Swedish profile Swedish profile Swedish profile Ingvar Kamprad Order Père Noël Joulupukki Olentzero Weihnachtsmann
Sinterklaas Tovlis babua Chemistry Teacher History teacher Physics teacher Literature teacher Mathematic teacher High-precision microcircuit
"Point and shoot" 35mm film SLR camera Polaroid Film camera Vintage camera Wine barrel Chewing gum
Chewing gum Chewing gum Chewing gum Chewing gum Chewing gum Claddagh ring Claddagh ring Frienship bracelets
Fishing spoon Compass Camping backpack Beach sandals Beach sandals Watering can Holmes smoking pipe Jubilee Ten
V sign Triple corporate chevron Double corporate chevron The tender collider, IV-VI places The tender collider, II-III places The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner
The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner
The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner
The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner
The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner
The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner The tender collider, the winner World Cuisines, VII-XV places World Cuisines, VII-XV places
World Cuisines, VII-XV places World Cuisines, IV-Vi places World Cuisines, IV-Vi places World Cuisines, IV-Vi places World Cuisines, IV-Vi places World Cuisines, IV-Vi places World Cuisines, IV-Vi places World Cuisines, IV-Vi places
World Cuisines, IV-Vi places World Cuisines, IV-Vi places World Cuisines, IV-Vi places World Cuisines, II-III places World Cuisines, II-III places World Cuisines, II-III places World Cuisines, II-III places World Cuisines, II-III places
World Cuisines, II-III places World Cuisines, II-III places World Cuisines, II-III places World Cuisines, II-III places World Cuisines, II-III places World Cuisines, II-III places World Cuisines, II-III places World Cuisines, II-III places
World Cuisines, II-III places World Cuisines, II-III places World Cuisines, the winner World Cuisines, the winner World Cuisines, the winner World Cuisines, the winner World Cuisines, the winner World Cuisines, the winner
World Cuisines, the winner World Cuisines, the winner World Cuisines, the winner World Cuisines, the winner World Cuisines, the winner World Cuisines, the winner World Cuisines, the winner World Cuisines, the winner
Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places
Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places
Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places
Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, II-III places Shagreen, II-III places Shagreen, II-III places
Shagreen, II-III places Shagreen, II-III places Shagreen, II-III places Shagreen, II-III places Shagreen, the winner Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons
Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons
Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons The winner of the Industry Competition in the "Virtostandard of fuel" nomination The winner of the Leaders Contest in the "Fuel Rivers" nomination Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination Week of perfect Service Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Nation's Health Five years with Virtonomics The winner in the nomination Your Way to success of the Industry Competition
The winner of the Standard of Virtonomics nomination of the Industry Competition The best player of the qualification for the quarterly Industry Competition Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination Tender mania Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination of Consumer Goods Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination "Knowledge is power!" Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Consumer Goods Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics
Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Nation's Health Five years with Virtonomics Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination "Knowledge is power!" Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Consumer Goods Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics
Even though every time you set a price yourself in Virtonomics you should have the same problem...

Not correct, the page handles comma well and transforms it to dot automatically :-)
Those messages from Firefox, I didn't get them. Are they just on installation or do regularly they come back?

They appeared twice or three times in the beginning. They didn't appear now. 

9.06.2018, 21:46

Five years with Virtonomics
Japan soccer ball Swedish profile Swedish profile Swedish profile Swedish profile Swedish standard Ingvar Kamprad Order Jubilee Ten
Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Seven years with Virtonomics Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination of Consumer Goods Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics
Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination "Knowledge is power!" Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Consumer Goods Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics
XDCD Incorporated
Surprise Suprise!
I started on XS14.
Currently you can only set prices of factories with it though. And add more page size numbers, but who was waiting for that? Anyways take a look at the new Add-on here: ...
Only supported for Firefox, and that will be the only browser supported for the near future. That it is an add-on means no more Tamperscript or Greasemonkey funkery, just add and done! A new icon will appear on your Firefox page. Click on it and there you have the menu from which you will decide everything. More than that I will not say, because it is all explained there (and I want to test if that explanation is sufficient).
What I would like any of you to do is to install the add-on and change the price of a good of a subdivision with it. If you then could give some feedback on the following things I would greatly appreciate that:
- Did you have any problems installing the add-on?
- Is the explanation given enough to understand what you have to do to set the price of a good?
- Are there any other things not addressed in the explanation that should be?
- Does the production sale module work as intended, meaning that all options operate as they should be?
- Does the page size adder extension work as intended, meaning that all options operate as they should be?
- Does the execution work correctly on different realms at the same time? (If you play on 2+ realms)
- Does the execution work correctly on a Russian realm?
- Does the execution work correctly if you are logged into but not
- Do you have any general remarks on the layout and/or user experience?
- Does the execution act correctly when inputting bullshit? (for example setting page size to "bullshit" or -1)
That will be all. Oh and for all people above asking questions about XS12.0 or XS12.1: I don't want to look in my own mess anymore. XS12.0 was 4000 lines long, XS12.1 2500 lines, both one file and not very pretty written. This in contract with XS14 that is written structured and understandable. So I will not look at these two anymore.

Whats the status on the add-on? Havn't seen an update in awhile, I'm interested to see where it's going Well 

10.06.2018, 18:57

For contribution to the development of Virtonomics Seven years with Virtonomics
Whats the status on the add-on? Havn't seen an update in awhile, I'm interested to see where it's going Well

I have applied your and Omahen's feedback, and I am currently busy with the supply functions (warehouse, retail and production). But I haven't really found the time lately to do anything. 

12.06.2018, 22:00

Five years with Virtonomics
Japan soccer ball Swedish profile Swedish profile Swedish profile Swedish profile Swedish standard Ingvar Kamprad Order Jubilee Ten
Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Seven years with Virtonomics Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination of Consumer Goods Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics
Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination "Knowledge is power!" Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Consumer Goods Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics
XDCD Incorporated
Whats the status on the add-on? Havn't seen an update in awhile, I'm interested to see where it's going Well

I have applied your and Omahen's feedback, and I am currently busy with the supply functions (warehouse, retail and production). But I haven't really found the time lately to do anything.

Good to hear, hope to see some of the new features soon Well 

13.06.2018, 19:34

For contribution to the development of Virtonomics Seven years with Virtonomics
I have uploaded version 14.0.3, check it out! (Maybe it updates automatically???)
New things: production supply + forum checker (check if there are new message on the forum).
Also interface got some improvements, but I do not exactly remember which, because it has been a month ago...
Feedback please! 

13.06.2018, 21:47.     Subject: Feedback

Five years with Virtonomics
Ten years with Virtonomics
Nikl0718 Ltd.
Hey ! first of all, thanks for all your hard work, Xio. You are the one keeping this game alive !
Back to the feedback, i couldn't find a way to appoint the settings to specific subdivisions... maybe i misunderstood something.
And btw, cobr's version of the xio-script actually still does work !! :O you can see for yourself, here: ...
All the best,

16.06.2018, 12:05

For contribution to the development of Virtonomics Seven years with Virtonomics
Back to the feedback, i couldn't find a way to appoint the settings to specific subdivisions... maybe i misunderstood something.

On the main page, employees page and equipment page there appears to be a new column with header 'Choice'. Click inside that column on the row of the subdivision you want to add a choice to.

(Link for XioScript 14 click here

19.06.2018, 09:45

The winner of the contest of directors in the nomination 'IT-standard' The winner of the Leaders Contest in the "Fuel Rivers" nomination Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Nation's Health Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Raw Material Base Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination "Knowledge is power!" Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Consumer Goods Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics
Thanks! Will test the latest version today 👍 

21.07.2018, 18:25

V sign V sign V sign Paper crane Paper crane Triple corporate chevron The winner of the Leaders Contest in the "Fuel Rivers" nomination Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination Week of perfect Service
Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Nation's Health Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination Tender mania Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination of Consumer Goods Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Raw Material Base Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination "Knowledge is power!" Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Consumer Goods Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics
Two years with Virtonomics
Bastille Key The tender collider, the winner World Cuisines, IV-Vi places Shagreen, II-III places The winner of the Industry Competition in the "Virtostandard of fuel" nomination The winner of the Leaders Contest in the "Fuel Rivers" nomination Winner of the Industry Competition in the 'Government procurement' nomination Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination Week of perfect Service
Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Nation's Health The winner of the Industry Competition The winner of the Standard of Virtonomics nomination of the Industry Competition The best player of the qualification for the quarterly Industry Competition Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination Tender mania Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination of Consumer Goods Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Raw Material Base
Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination "Knowledge is power!" Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Consumer Goods Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics Three years with Virtonomics
Master and Margarita
Can I get the addon to work on the site 

22.07.2018, 11:34

For contribution to the development of Virtonomics Seven years with Virtonomics
@VolandAV does that mean you tried and did not get it working? Currently everything goes through the .com domain, although that should mean that the Russian realms do work. It does require you to be logged in on the .com domain though.
Next update I will have added support for the .ru domain. 

23.07.2018, 10:37

V sign V sign V sign Paper crane Paper crane Triple corporate chevron The winner of the Leaders Contest in the "Fuel Rivers" nomination Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination Week of perfect Service
Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Nation's Health Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination Tender mania Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination of Consumer Goods Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Raw Material Base Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination "Knowledge is power!" Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Consumer Goods Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics
Two years with Virtonomics
Bastille Key The tender collider, the winner World Cuisines, IV-Vi places Shagreen, II-III places The winner of the Industry Competition in the "Virtostandard of fuel" nomination The winner of the Leaders Contest in the "Fuel Rivers" nomination Winner of the Industry Competition in the 'Government procurement' nomination Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination Week of perfect Service
Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Nation's Health The winner of the Industry Competition The winner of the Standard of Virtonomics nomination of the Industry Competition The best player of the qualification for the quarterly Industry Competition Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination Tender mania Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination of Consumer Goods Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Raw Material Base
Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination "Knowledge is power!" Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Consumer Goods Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics Three years with Virtonomics
Master and Margarita
Thank you!
I am authorized simultaneously on both sites. But on the Russian site, the selection column does not appear. Probably, the addon does not know where to insert it. 

23.07.2018, 13:06

For contribution to the development of Virtonomics Seven years with Virtonomics
Yeah I saw that. That the selection column is not showing up is because I forgot to whitelist the .ru domain, that's all. I already program things in such a way that it is never dependent on certain keywords, so that language should not play a roll at all anywhere in the script. 

27.07.2018, 18:16

Last time edited : 27.07.2018, 23:21

For contribution to the development of Virtonomics Seven years with Virtonomics
Version 14.0.4 is online.
- Added Equipment Module
- Added Salary Module
- Added Training Module
- Fixed a bug where the Choice column did not appear on the Russian realm
- Fixed a bug where the script would not reset the unitlist to all subdivision types.
- Fixed a bug where the Forum Checker would only check once for new messages every page load.
The equipment module really took a lot of time. You will never have to buy equipment yourself anymore: just set the required equipment quality and the number of pieces of equipment and it will buy the equipment itself. For that I use Integer Programming to get you the optimal price! Buying yourself is not only more work, but also more pricey! Just note that anything can still be full of bugs so be careful. ...  

List of forums -> Questions and answers. Help.-> XioScript