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List of forums -> Free communication (everything except serious game talk) -> COVID-19

Humor, love, politics, economics, culture and everything that is not about tycoon games


Topic created : 4.04.2020, 00:19

Five years with Virtonomics
Jewelry Loupe Waffle iron Santa Claus Santa Claus Santa Claus Père Noël Père Noël Père Noël
Père Noël Père Noël Joulupukki Joulupukki Joulupukki Olentzero Olentzero Olentzero
Weihnachtsmann Weihnachtsmann Weihnachtsmann Weihnachtsmann Julebukk Julebukk Julebukk Julebukk
Sinterklaas Sinterklaas Sinterklaas Ded Moroz Ded Moroz Ded Moroz Tovlis babua Tovlis babua
Tovlis babua For contribution to the development of Virtonomics Founder of the city Santander Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Founder of the city Rhodes Winner of the Industry Competition in the 'Government procurement' nomination Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Nation's Health
Five years with Virtonomics The winner of the Industry Competition The winner of the Storm of regions nomination of the Industry Competition Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination Tender mania Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination "Knowledge is power!" Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Consumer Goods Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics
Since it's the worlds biggest hype right now.
How does the COVID-19 situation affect you?
I'm really curious how people look at it from all different places around the world.   

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4.04.2020, 09:32

Last time edited : 4.04.2020, 09:33

Twelve years with Virtonomics Jubilee Ten Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Macedonian common amphora Common amphora of Heraklion The winner in the nomination Your Way to success of the Industry Competition Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination "Knowledge is power!"
One year with Virtonomics
Основатель г.Хасселт Jewelry Loupe Founder of Carcassonne Twelve years with Virtonomics Belgium soccer ball Traskor Swedish standard Viking helmet
Dalahast Deer horns Ingvar Kamprad Order Mathematic teacher Compass Festive glasses Jubilee Ten Silver Ten
For contribution to the development of Virtonomics The tender collider, VII-XV places The tender collider, VII-XV places The tender collider, VII-XV places The tender collider, IV-VI places The tender collider, IV-VI places World Cuisines, VII-XV places World Cuisines, VII-XV places
World Cuisines, IV-Vi places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places
Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, IV-VI, places
Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, II-III places Shagreen, II-III places Shagreen, II-III places Shagreen, II-III places
Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons
Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Founder of the city Sikasso Macedonian Silver amphora Bronze amphora of Heraklion The winner of the Industry Competition The winner in the nomination Your Way to success of the Industry Competition The winner of the Storm of regions nomination of the Industry Competition The winner of the Standard of Virtonomics nomination of the Industry Competition
Three years with Virtonomics
Premium Brands
Premium Brands
and vice versa! We're also curious to see how you look at it Well

As for me: Belgium doesn't have enough testing capacity. No clue if our leaders checked with our German neighbors or not, because they appear to have more than enough. Hence, the virus spread quite rapidly resulting in quite severe countermeasures. We can only leave our homes for the following:
* going to work
* shopping essentials (food, drugs; only legal drugs, of course ;-))
* exercise: a walk or bicycle ride (both with a maximum of 1 non-family member, keeping him/her at a minimum distance of 1.5m)
Those who can, have to work from home. Those who cannot work from home, go to their regular work place IF it is safe (social distancing of 1.5m). If this cannot be garanteed, they are temporarily unemployed. About a quarter of our workforces is now sitting at home on temporary unemployment.
It is currently estimated that all of this will cost us €60Bn, or about 20% of our normal GDP.

The biggest impact for me is: sometimes there are queues at the supermarket (because only so many people are allowed in at the same time), once inside, a number of shelves are empty. So you really feel like living in some communist regime...
Social contact is prohibited, so you cannot meet up with friends. Not for sports activities, not for a nice dinner in a cozy restaurant, ...
It is unreal to me and almost everyone I know that this is happening here. We all see Ebola outbreaks every now and then in Africa. We even remember SARS. But we had some sort of arrogance that this was solely reserved for countries far away. Those suffering from a feeling of superiority versus other parts of the world have their noses pressed to the hard facts now... Still, some people don't seem to realise what is actually happening and it's happening here.

To sum it up: the impact until today is quite limited for me, so I'm not complaining, rather happy to be healthy :-) 

6.04.2020, 16:48

Twelve years with Virtonomics
Two years with Virtonomics
Twelve years with Virtonomics
never heard of it.... 

15.04.2020, 03:42

Last time edited : 15.04.2020, 03:42

Seven years with Virtonomics
Jubilee Ten Bronze Ten Bronze Ten For contribution to the development of Virtonomics The tender collider, IV-VI places The tender collider, II-III places The tender collider, II-III places World Cuisines, IV-Vi places
World Cuisines, IV-Vi places World Cuisines, IV-Vi places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, II-III places Eight years with Virtonomics
The winner of the Industry Competition Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination Tender mania
Four years with Virtonomics
OK, Jeronimo! I logged in to answer just because it's you!
(I hope I can still recall your name Very we!)
As you know Iran was one of the first countries hit and for some time it was a forerunner.
There was no mandatory lockdown here, just voluntary isolation. Anything retail, other than food and medicine, had been closed for a month but the ban was removed just two days ago. Work hours reduced and became voluntary. Most private sectors, who barely make any money, have been closed or called employees on demand.
But that was not probably what was intended, they really wanted a lockdown. I think the infamous ideological military (IRGC) could not be employed to lock the civilians, because nobody trusts such animals and that might have lead to conflicts. Official army and the ideological police (called Beseej, a third-worldish counterpart of Antifa peewits) also didn't co-operate, mostly because lower rank didn't want to engage themselves in things they didn't know. So the only option left was voluntary isolation. However hospitals and doctors have been operating under scrutiny of IRGC since the virus outbreak. Several doctors disappeared since then, without any explanation. At least 24 arrested for journalism and reports. Government is the only authority that can publish anything about the virus, patients, medication and anything related. Parliament passed a bill on that very early and criminalised any comment about the virus. A truly dirty police-state around the health system since the first days of the outbreak.
As for the virus itself, it has demonstrated a strange hit-and-miss behaviour. Some recover very fast and some experience a torment in their chest. So I guess there is a great chance that the virus goes hand in hand with the 5G technology. I don't know the details of the 5G thingy, so I cannot comment on that. But pay attention to the experts who have things to say about it. Apparently 5G frequency can cause oxygen deficiency and that's exactly what patients experience. The symptom is exactly oxygen deficiency. It's not pneumonia which you have been told. It's nothing like pneumonia at any rate. So if your lungs are healthy you don't need ventilators to make you breath, just oxygen mask. I saw footage of a dying man. His lungs were obviously inhaling, you could see the movement in the chest. So I'm pretty sure about this last one. 

8.10.2020, 19:19

Last time edited : 8.10.2020, 19:29

Seven years with Virtonomics
Jubilee Ten Bronze Ten Bronze Ten For contribution to the development of Virtonomics The tender collider, IV-VI places The tender collider, II-III places The tender collider, II-III places World Cuisines, IV-Vi places
World Cuisines, IV-Vi places World Cuisines, IV-Vi places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, II-III places Eight years with Virtonomics
The winner of the Industry Competition Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination Tender mania
Four years with Virtonomics
Something for your attention: words of a real doctor
For those who don't want to go through the whole article and technical details, I summarise:
1. RT-PCR TEST DOES NOT IDENTIFY ANY VIRUS: The test method RT-PCR is not a suitable method to identify any specific virus, it only detects a specific order of genetic sequences in RNA. Developer of this method, Dr Karry Mullis said: "These tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all"
2. RT-PCR TEST IS BEING USED INCORRECTLY: This test apparently should be run for less than 35 cycles, but currently is used at 50 cycles. This guarantees that anything will be amplified by the faulty test and a false positive result is achieved.
3. AVAILABLE DISEASE REPORTS ARE BASED ON STATISTICS AND MEDICAL SCIENCE STILL HAS NOT IDENTIFIED A CONNECTION BETWEEN THE SAID VIRUS AND THE DISEASE: There is still no isolated sample available to researchers. Governments and government medical institutions claim they have isolated the virus, but not even one sample has ever been delivered to doctors outside this circle.

The government and associated medical organisations have developed false test methods that assure a positive result, while doctors outside this circle still 1. have not observed an isolated sample of the virus and 2. have not detected the connection between the disease and the said virus.

Has anyone seen my spear? How can I be a spear carrier without my spear?

8.10.2020, 20:28

Belgian chevron Jewelry Loupe Founder of Mbansa-Congo Ancient manuscript Moai statue Moai statue Moai statue Moai statue
Dinosaur skeleton Cracked amphora Cracked amphora Cracked amphora Fossil Skull Old coin Old coin
Beauty set Perfume Coral Killer Whale Shark Octopus Octopus Turtle
Starfish Dentist Triple corporate chevron Three years with Virtonomics

3. AVAILABLE DISEASE REPORTS ARE BASED ON STATISTICS AND MEDICAL SCIENCE STILL HAS NOT IDENTIFIED A CONNECTION BETWEEN THE SAID VIRUS AND THE DISEASE: There is still no isolated sample available to researchers. Governments and government medical institutions claim they have isolated the virus, but not even one sample has ever been delivered to doctors outside this circle.

A highly controversial claim given that a number of companies have already created and tested a vaccine. And a vaccine cannot be created without the use of an isolated virus strain. 

8.10.2020, 22:04

Seven years with Virtonomics
Jubilee Ten Bronze Ten Bronze Ten For contribution to the development of Virtonomics The tender collider, IV-VI places The tender collider, II-III places The tender collider, II-III places World Cuisines, IV-Vi places
World Cuisines, IV-Vi places World Cuisines, IV-Vi places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, II-III places Eight years with Virtonomics
The winner of the Industry Competition Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination Tender mania
Four years with Virtonomics
who knows what's inside those vaccines? can you recognise if you have been injected a real vaccine and not eucalyptus juice? 

12.10.2020, 16:41

Twelve years with Virtonomics Jubilee Ten Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Macedonian common amphora Common amphora of Heraklion The winner in the nomination Your Way to success of the Industry Competition Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination "Knowledge is power!"
One year with Virtonomics
Основатель г.Хасселт Jewelry Loupe Founder of Carcassonne Twelve years with Virtonomics Belgium soccer ball Traskor Swedish standard Viking helmet
Dalahast Deer horns Ingvar Kamprad Order Mathematic teacher Compass Festive glasses Jubilee Ten Silver Ten
For contribution to the development of Virtonomics The tender collider, VII-XV places The tender collider, VII-XV places The tender collider, VII-XV places The tender collider, IV-VI places The tender collider, IV-VI places World Cuisines, VII-XV places World Cuisines, VII-XV places
World Cuisines, IV-Vi places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places
Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, IV-VI, places
Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, II-III places Shagreen, II-III places Shagreen, II-III places Shagreen, II-III places
Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons
Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Founder of the city Sikasso Macedonian Silver amphora Bronze amphora of Heraklion The winner of the Industry Competition The winner in the nomination Your Way to success of the Industry Competition The winner of the Storm of regions nomination of the Industry Competition The winner of the Standard of Virtonomics nomination of the Industry Competition
Three years with Virtonomics
Premium Brands
Premium Brands
Something for your attention: words of a real doctor
For those who don't want to go through the whole article and technical details, I summarise:
1. RT-PCR TEST DOES NOT IDENTIFY ANY VIRUS: The test method RT-PCR is not a suitable method to identify any specific virus, it only detects a specific order of genetic sequences in RNA. Developer of this method, Dr Karry Mullis said: "These tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all"
2. RT-PCR TEST IS BEING USED INCORRECTLY: This test apparently should be run for less than 35 cycles, but currently is used at 50 cycles. This guarantees that anything will be amplified by the faulty test and a false positive result is achieved.
3. AVAILABLE DISEASE REPORTS ARE BASED ON STATISTICS AND MEDICAL SCIENCE STILL HAS NOT IDENTIFIED A CONNECTION BETWEEN THE SAID VIRUS AND THE DISEASE: There is still no isolated sample available to researchers. Governments and government medical institutions claim they have isolated the virus, but not even one sample has ever been delivered to doctors outside this circle.

The government and associated medical organisations have developed false test methods that assure a positive result, while doctors outside this circle still 1. have not observed an isolated sample of the virus and 2. have not detected the connection between the disease and the said virus.

surely you are joking! Right?
Mullis died even before SARS-COV-2 broke out... In any event, the quote was falsely attributed to him and has been drawn way out of context. I believe it was about being able to test whether a person was contagious wrt HIV.
So no: PCR tests probably don't determine whether you are contagious or not. Furthermore: yes, you might get a positive test from some other virus, not necessarily SARS-COV-2. So what? If you have been infected with any virus, it is probably a good idea to stay in and refrain from contact with other humans, no?
Personally, I've had 2 negative tests. Much like most tests are negative in our population. So no, there is no assurance of a positive result at all!

I cannot argument your claim about isolated samples of the virus. As I'm no microbiologist, I don't even understand the relevance :-)

I don't need to be a scientist, however, to establish the connection between the virus and the disease. I've counted the excess obituaries in my home town... :-( 

12.10.2020, 19:34

Seven years with Virtonomics
Jubilee Ten Bronze Ten Bronze Ten For contribution to the development of Virtonomics The tender collider, IV-VI places The tender collider, II-III places The tender collider, II-III places World Cuisines, IV-Vi places
World Cuisines, IV-Vi places World Cuisines, IV-Vi places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, II-III places Eight years with Virtonomics
The winner of the Industry Competition Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination Tender mania
Four years with Virtonomics
Oh no, I'm not joking. When the "virus" first reported I believed in what they said. But today I'm less convinced such virus even exists.
Please check this video out. Dr Mullis says you can find anything in anybody if you amplify enough. ...
Has anyone seen my spear? How can I be a spear carrier without my spear?

13.10.2020, 09:15

Belgian chevron Jewelry Loupe Founder of Mbansa-Congo Ancient manuscript Moai statue Moai statue Moai statue Moai statue
Dinosaur skeleton Cracked amphora Cracked amphora Cracked amphora Fossil Skull Old coin Old coin
Beauty set Perfume Coral Killer Whale Shark Octopus Octopus Turtle
Starfish Dentist Triple corporate chevron Three years with Virtonomics
The coronavirus exists, it is not a myth. If you take a high-quality vaccine for dogs, then there will be 2 strains of coronavirus. Another thing is that a monster was made of a banal virus. 

13.10.2020, 12:39

Twelve years with Virtonomics Jubilee Ten Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Macedonian common amphora Common amphora of Heraklion The winner in the nomination Your Way to success of the Industry Competition Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination "Knowledge is power!"
One year with Virtonomics
Основатель г.Хасселт Jewelry Loupe Founder of Carcassonne Twelve years with Virtonomics Belgium soccer ball Traskor Swedish standard Viking helmet
Dalahast Deer horns Ingvar Kamprad Order Mathematic teacher Compass Festive glasses Jubilee Ten Silver Ten
For contribution to the development of Virtonomics The tender collider, VII-XV places The tender collider, VII-XV places The tender collider, VII-XV places The tender collider, IV-VI places The tender collider, IV-VI places World Cuisines, VII-XV places World Cuisines, VII-XV places
World Cuisines, IV-Vi places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places
Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, IV-VI, places
Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, II-III places Shagreen, II-III places Shagreen, II-III places Shagreen, II-III places
Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons
Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Founder of the city Sikasso Macedonian Silver amphora Bronze amphora of Heraklion The winner of the Industry Competition The winner in the nomination Your Way to success of the Industry Competition The winner of the Storm of regions nomination of the Industry Competition The winner of the Standard of Virtonomics nomination of the Industry Competition
Three years with Virtonomics
Premium Brands
Premium Brands
Guys, during the heaviest month of the outbreak in my home town (of 10.000 people), 50 humans passed away. The previous years, this number was 10 on average for the same period of the year.
If I understand correctly, you guys are stating that there is no proof this so called corona virus is responsible for this fivefold excess. I don't mind if you doubt that the corona virus exists or that you doubt it seriousness. Please be aware, however, that "something" is responsible for those excess deaths. Not just in my town, but all across most parts of Belgium.
You don't want to call it sars-cov-2, coronavirus, ... no biggie. You don't want to call the disease covid-19... fine. That's just semantics anyway. But people really are dying from what would then be falsely named "corona".

If you're not noticing this where you live: all the better!! Seriously: I'm genuinely happy for you and all those healthy people around you. :-) 

13.10.2020, 13:39

Seven years with Virtonomics
Jubilee Ten Bronze Ten Bronze Ten For contribution to the development of Virtonomics The tender collider, IV-VI places The tender collider, II-III places The tender collider, II-III places World Cuisines, IV-Vi places
World Cuisines, IV-Vi places World Cuisines, IV-Vi places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, II-III places Eight years with Virtonomics
The winner of the Industry Competition Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination Tender mania
Four years with Virtonomics
there have been reports of euthanasia in Sweden. a nurse exposed several months ago that unknown people inject morphine into patients to hasten their deaths. and she had order from the "bosses" that she is not allowed to give patients oxygen.
Please review her testimony here: ...
i think i saw another testimony from Sweden but i cannot find it.
i'm not telling that's the story everywhere, because i do not have such information. but quite possible.
Has anyone seen my spear? How can I be a spear carrier without my spear?

13.10.2020, 13:53

Twelve years with Virtonomics Jubilee Ten Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Macedonian common amphora Common amphora of Heraklion The winner in the nomination Your Way to success of the Industry Competition Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination "Knowledge is power!"
One year with Virtonomics
Основатель г.Хасселт Jewelry Loupe Founder of Carcassonne Twelve years with Virtonomics Belgium soccer ball Traskor Swedish standard Viking helmet
Dalahast Deer horns Ingvar Kamprad Order Mathematic teacher Compass Festive glasses Jubilee Ten Silver Ten
For contribution to the development of Virtonomics The tender collider, VII-XV places The tender collider, VII-XV places The tender collider, VII-XV places The tender collider, IV-VI places The tender collider, IV-VI places World Cuisines, VII-XV places World Cuisines, VII-XV places
World Cuisines, IV-Vi places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places
Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, IV-VI, places
Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, II-III places Shagreen, II-III places Shagreen, II-III places Shagreen, II-III places
Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons
Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Founder of the city Sikasso Macedonian Silver amphora Bronze amphora of Heraklion The winner of the Industry Competition The winner in the nomination Your Way to success of the Industry Competition The winner of the Storm of regions nomination of the Industry Competition The winner of the Standard of Virtonomics nomination of the Industry Competition
Three years with Virtonomics
Premium Brands
Premium Brands
out of curiousity: how's the situation where you live? Does the government impose any restrictions that impact your daily life?
(actually the OP's questions :-)) 

13.10.2020, 14:35

Belgian chevron Jewelry Loupe Founder of Mbansa-Congo Ancient manuscript Moai statue Moai statue Moai statue Moai statue
Dinosaur skeleton Cracked amphora Cracked amphora Cracked amphora Fossil Skull Old coin Old coin
Beauty set Perfume Coral Killer Whale Shark Octopus Octopus Turtle
Starfish Dentist Triple corporate chevron Three years with Virtonomics
During seasonal outbreaks of influenza and SARS, no less people die from complications. Why doesn't anyone panic about this? 

14.10.2020, 11:31

Twelve years with Virtonomics Jubilee Ten Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Macedonian common amphora Common amphora of Heraklion The winner in the nomination Your Way to success of the Industry Competition Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination "Knowledge is power!"
One year with Virtonomics
Основатель г.Хасселт Jewelry Loupe Founder of Carcassonne Twelve years with Virtonomics Belgium soccer ball Traskor Swedish standard Viking helmet
Dalahast Deer horns Ingvar Kamprad Order Mathematic teacher Compass Festive glasses Jubilee Ten Silver Ten
For contribution to the development of Virtonomics The tender collider, VII-XV places The tender collider, VII-XV places The tender collider, VII-XV places The tender collider, IV-VI places The tender collider, IV-VI places World Cuisines, VII-XV places World Cuisines, VII-XV places
World Cuisines, IV-Vi places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places
Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, IV-VI, places
Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, II-III places Shagreen, II-III places Shagreen, II-III places Shagreen, II-III places
Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons
Platinum sponsor of the Contest for Tycoons Founder of the city Sikasso Macedonian Silver amphora Bronze amphora of Heraklion The winner of the Industry Competition The winner in the nomination Your Way to success of the Industry Competition The winner of the Storm of regions nomination of the Industry Competition The winner of the Standard of Virtonomics nomination of the Industry Competition
Three years with Virtonomics
Premium Brands
Premium Brands
Previous to contact restrictions, fatalities in Belgium doubled versus normal averages (ie due to flue and the like). In my area it was much worse.
Moreover: the number of contaminations was rising exponentially -> death tolls would have been way higher had no restrictions been put in place.
So - in Belgium at least - this disease does cause a multiplification in deaths versus what flue and the like are already causing. Meaning that imo it is only normal that there is a bit of a fuss...

As for flue: annual vaccination is highly promoted amongst vulnerable people here. So action is in fact taken!
As for SARS: the one you mean never got to Belgium. That being said: this is supposed to be sars-cov-2 now, so dramatic action is taken.
How about in your region? Any personally known cases? Any restrictive measures? 

14.10.2020, 14:00

Seven years with Virtonomics
Jubilee Ten Bronze Ten Bronze Ten For contribution to the development of Virtonomics The tender collider, IV-VI places The tender collider, II-III places The tender collider, II-III places World Cuisines, IV-Vi places
World Cuisines, IV-Vi places World Cuisines, IV-Vi places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Shagreen, II-III places Eight years with Virtonomics
The winner of the Industry Competition Winner of the Leaders Contest in the nomination Tender mania
Four years with Virtonomics
The virus is there to justify the lockdown and vaccination, not that loackdown and vaccination is justified because of a virus.
If governments wanted to control the virus, they should have closed the borders in Dec 2019. All jobs and businesses closed for 40 days to clear the virus. Then back to normalcy. This is something that even medieval human understands, but not modern governments.
These "modern" governments (read communists) have no will to control the said virus. They decided to invent a virus,  import it, create a fake test kit and lock people in their homes, for a period that seems to have no limit. Apparently this mysterious virus does not transmit in the government offices, but it spreads in private businesses, opera halls and parks, so people should not go there.
More clear:
virus hype → fake vaccination → biological slaves.
this is not fanatcising. this is a 3000 year old plan executed with modern tools.
Has anyone seen my spear? How can I be a spear carrier without my spear?

List of forums -> Free communication (everything except serious game talk)-> COVID-19

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