
Entrepreneurship game

Realistic entrepreneurship game for startup founders, business owners, and students. Learn by playing!

Practical entrepreneurial skills training for successful business creation and development

Radically reduce the risk of committing typical fatal business mistakes

Eliminate fears and insecurities in rookie entrepreneurs

Increase the basic probability of successful start and development of small business

of start-ups

commit about 50 of the most common mistakes in the first 2 years, leading to bankruptcy or to major losses in business

Are you a rookie entrepreneur or startup founder?

You have a great idea and a business plan, but lack entrepreneurial experience?

of start-ups

and small companies are ruined in their first 2 years by the founders lack of practical entrepreneurial experience

Аlready own a small business?

Want to expand and create a big successful company, but lack experience of managing big business systematically?


Virtonomics Entrepreneur

is a necessary and a must-have entrepreneurship game for practical learning and training:

This is a realistic entrepreneurship simulator

for developing your practical entrepreneurial skills. The educational game is based on a multiplayer business simulation that creates a realistic market environment.

This is a perfect training tool

to drastically reduce the risks of committing mistakes typical for start-up entrepreneurs and destructive for your business.

This is a serious business simulation

that allows you to model your future business in detail, and gives you unlimited opportunities to experiment and test your business model and strategy.

This motivating entrepreneurship game

will destroy your fears and lack of confidence in your entrepreneurial abilities and capabilities.

The use of game mechanics

in entrepreneurship game ensures a learning experience, that is not boring, theoretical, and abstract, but exciting and practically useful.

Entrepreneurship simulation

is implemented in the format of a turn-based online multiplayer game

in which you create your company from the ground up, manage all the key business processes and resources, compete with a lot of real live competitors – everything is like in real business.


10 main fears of entrepreneurs:

According to the study by Business Insider, people aged 18 - 64 are afraid to open a business because of fear of failing. This is the main barrier for entrepreneurs. Also, most often rookie entrepreneurs:

  1. Fear of starting
  2. Fear of lack of knowledge
  3. Fear of the unfamiliar or unknown
  4. Fear of losing money
  5. Fear of public rejection
  6. Fear of responsibility
  7. Fear of competition
  8. Fear of lack of private life
  9. The fear of betrayal
  10. Fear of success

Virtonomics Entrepreneur

the most potent cure for entrepreneurial fears, failures and mistakes in business

Business simulations and economics games