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Start: 13.01.2012, 04:37

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Topic created : 13.01.2012, 04:37

Last time edited : 13.01.2012, 05:48

Nine years with Virtonomics
Ten years with Virtonomics
Investors Corporation
Hey guys, welcome to 2012.
I just want to express the concern I have over forage quality. I have always been involved in the clothing industry, and ever since the (very inconvenient) change of cotton suppliers, I have had to make my own sheep farms to provide for my clothing factories.
Now here's the problem. In order for my company to be successful, I need to have high quality products in my stores. So this is how it is:
Sheep Farm > Clothing Factory > Store.
The problem is that the Sheep Farms have good quality, however, I have to constantly replace diseased animals which is expensive.. Why? Forage quality. Unless there you want to buy decent quality forage from players selling at insane amount in dollars, then you're screwed. How do you rectify this..
One way, buy my own agricultural farms, and provide HQ forage to myself. This is expensive (real money), and agricultural farms do not create a great output quantity wise. Now this has been in the game forever! But why don't we change it? I know this is supposed to 'simulate' a real economy, but it fails miserably when chocolate is at 1060$ per piece in stores. Why not make this change, please.
It makes me spend lots of money where I could have used that money for many other things. (ads campaigns, equip, etc.)
******Long story short? Make forage quality a **BONUS** to players that have higher quality forage. But do not let this affect the health of animals in farms where the forage quality is 1.******
This is just a suggestion, my opinion.

Please! leave your opinion! perhaps I am missing something.

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13.01.2012, 05:28.     Subject: Huh?

Last time edited : 13.01.2012, 05:30

Eight years with Virtonomics
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Eight years with Virtonomics
Surely you are not still re-stocking your farms with  sheep with a quality higher than 2.00.You have been playing for a while,IMO plenty of time to have developed your technologies to an advanced point.There is no reason that you should not be able to produce textiles in the double digit Q numbers by now. 

13.01.2012, 05:32

Last time edited : 13.01.2012, 05:50

Nine years with Virtonomics
Ten years with Virtonomics
Investors Corporation
Why not higher than 2.00? And I had to restart my $100 Billion account because they changed it. So in reality, not plenty of time.
My sheep farms need a high quality to produce double digit quality in my clothing factories. It's not necessarily that I am NOT getting good quality products, but that I am spending more money on replacing diseased sheep. And how am I supposed to create great quality wool if my sheep are only at 2.00? 

13.01.2012, 12:52

Twelve years with Virtonomics Jubilee Ten Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Macedonian common amphora Common amphora of Heraklion The winner in the nomination Your Way to success of the Industry Competition Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination "Knowledge is power!"
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Three years with Virtonomics
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I'm also in clothes (Mary) and understand Globeballa's problem all too well. I actually sell my animal farms' produce and buy higher quality on the market.
Example: Pig Farm, tech 11, forage quality = 1 -> animal quality = 2 (is the maximum if you want to keep your animals alive), output leather of quality 7.5. That just isn't enough to manufacture leather and small wares of decent quality (Mary has different articles than Lien in Clothes, so I cannot speak for Lien).
What this leads to for me: I saw a poll somewhere with the option "farming is for peasants" or something along those lines. I'll take that to heart and give up on animal farms. The good thing about animal farms is that they require zero attention, so I'll just let them exist. But I'm not starting any new ones.
As for the solution offered by Globeballa: I'm all for. If your tech 11 factory isn't supplied with high tech supplies, the machines don't die on you either, do they? So I don't see why higher quality animals should die from lower quality forage.
On the other hand: why else would people spend ridiculous amounts of real money on agricultural farms in that case? (although I'm not convinced that many people actually do that, looking at the limited amount of agri farms there are)
I won mine in the contests for presidents. 

13.01.2012, 19:08

Eight years with Virtonomics
Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Nation's Health Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination "Knowledge is power!" Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Consumer Goods Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics
Eight years with Virtonomics
Globealla's sheep farms are on Lien.Sheep farm to Weaving Mill to Clothing Factory.My business partners are already at Q11 level off textiles after a half year on LIen.
IMO,Gloeballa,you are missing something. 

14.01.2012, 02:21

Nine years with Virtonomics
Ten years with Virtonomics
Investors Corporation
Well perhaps I should obtain one of the highest techs for sheep farms. Then reduce the quality of my sheep to 2.0. And keep my forage at 1.0Q? Is this a good idea?
By the way, thank you all for your input. 

14.01.2012, 03:28

Eight years with Virtonomics
Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Nation's Health Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination "Knowledge is power!" Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Consumer Goods Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics
Eight years with Virtonomics
Yes.I recommend that you buy as high a technology as you can afford for both Sheep Farm and Weaving Mill.Keep the Sheep quality to maximum of 2.00 and feed them 1.00.This will hopefully do the job for you.i also recommend that you research the technologies as well,and you can research multiple levels at a time since you now own a higher level of the tech.
Also your qualification will not let you run a full size "high" M level Sheep farm yet at full efficiency,so stick to the  smaller sizes for now. 

List of forums -> Free communication (everything except serious game talk)-> Forage Quality.. Your Opinions.

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