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List of forums -> Main forum of the online business game "Virtonomics" -> 'Old' and 'New' versions

Discussions on our virtual business game, your ideas and game mechanics


Topic created : 26.03.2021, 02:08

Science: master Agriculture: bachelor World Cuisines, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places
Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, VII-XV places Shagreen, IV-VI, places Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Nation's Health Four years with Virtonomics Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination "Knowledge is power!" Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination Consumer Goods Winner of the Contest for Managers in the nomination The Standard of Virtonomics
Oakfield Enterprises
The 'old' version is not working today.
I really dislike the new system and was very glad to have the option to stick with the old one.  But today, all of the changes I tried to make on the old system haven't taken effect.  I noticed that it kept jumping back to the 'new' screen after saving, which was annoying, but it took me a while to realise that my changes hadn't been going through either.
Please don't get rid of the option to use the old system.  I find the new one very hard to read and it takes me three or four times as long to do anything Not so   

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26.03.2021, 07:26

Six years with Virtonomics
Some f*cking idiot tries to lower the server load and the number of requests. That is what the new version is all about.
The "New version" will lower the load by lowering the number of players.
If they do not fix this SH*T, only the staff will play tomorrow. 

27.03.2021, 08:53

Last time edited : 27.03.2021, 08:56

Six years with Virtonomics
Давам бутилка ракия или водка на този, който счупи пръстите на кодъра.
За снимка, ще получи бонус буркан киселите краставички или салата.

I will give a bottle of brandy or vodka to the one who broke the coder's fingers.
For a photo, you will receive a bonus jar of pickles or salad.

Даю бутылку коньяка или водки тому, кто сломал кодеру пальцы.
За фото вы получите бонусную банку солений или салата.

31.07.2021, 05:24

I see there is a new version on whatsapp. Everyone can refer to it 

6.08.2021, 18:58

people told me new version on whatsapp. You can refer to ...  

List of forums -> Main forum of the online business game "Virtonomics"-> 'Old' and 'New' versions

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