How much can I earn if I buy a light franchise Virtonomics: Entrepreneur?
Your revenue is 50% of all payments of all users attracted by you to the business simulator Virtonomics: Entrepreneur. Your income will be up to $ 15 per month or up to $ 180 per year for each user you have ever attracted. Considering that the simulator works according to the “Subscription” business model, and every user is regularly and automatically charged for the renewal of the “subscription”, your base of consistently paying users is constantly growing providing you with a predictable passive income.
How often can I get my profit?
You can withdraw your profit monthly. Minimum withdrawal limit is $ 500
What tools will be provided to me for income control and statistics?
For business partners of Virtonomics, we provide a special Partner interface. With it, you can track the data on registrations and activity of your users, as well as on the accrued commission, with details on each user and payment. In addition, the Partner interface includes a set of additional tools to help you increase the volume and efficiency of your new business.
How can I get my profit?
According to your request, your profits will be transferred to your bank account, bank card or PayPal account
Do I need to have a legal entity in order to purchase a litе franchise?
Not necessary
How quickly, after paying the initial fee, can I start my business and start earning?
At once. Paying an initial fee immediately gives you access to a partner office, the necessary tools and materials that allow you to start making money right away.
What investments do I need in addition to paying the initial fee?
Your new business does not require you to invest in any infrastructure or any operating costs. You provide only customer attraction to the online business simulator Virtonomics: Entrepreneur. How you decide to do this is up to you. You can provide large and relevant client traffic through your affiliate link completely free of charge. There are many effective ways to do this, and we regularly give our partners detailed methods and tools to attract free quality customer traffic. You can also create a paid advertising campaign targeting a target audience, such as Google Adwords or Facebook. Here you have complete freedom of choice.
Do I have to pay any mandatory regular payments or royalties for using your lite franchise?
There are no obligatory regular fixed payments from you in favor of the Operator. You are our partner. We are interested in making money not on your expenses, but due to the growth of our joint income.