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List of forums -> Main forum of the online business game "Virtonomics" -> And you want us to pay for this garbage? (Spam)

Discussions on our virtual business game, your ideas and game mechanics


Topic created : 1.09.2017, 12:24

Last time edited : 1.09.2017, 12:26

Masking mustache Panda Panda Mandarin duck Mandarin duck Honey Barrel Merit for the Uzbekistan of level I Seven years with Virtonomics
One year with Virtonomics
Seven years with Virtonomics
Egg-Roll International
Seriously, there's 420 spam posts
If I wanted to pay for spam all I'd have to do is buy a server install any forum software, and permit guests to post.
I did this once (for free) for kicks years ago to see how long it took for spam to get out of control. My friend eventually deleted the database due to it lagging the whole server (that many bots where going to the site)
In 2 months about a post a day, 8-12 months it took 2-5 minutes just to load the front page.
I'm guessing you're still too lazy to implement a simply email verification setup? Shit if you even used a forum software available ten years ago it would prevent spam better than this because you could implement post limitations to 1 per minute...