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|title=Virtonomics business game - Wiki-Help - Animal farm
|description=The following types of livestock farms operate in the game: Cowshed, Pig farm, Poultry farm, Sheep farm, Apiary
[[File:animalfarm_main_en.png|thumb|Animal farm]]
[[File:animalfarm_main_en.png|thumb|Animal farm]]
'''Специализация''' – текущая специализация предприятия, определяющая вид и тип выпускаемой продукции.
'''Specialization''' - the current specialization of the enterprise, which determines the type of products. The following types of livestock farms operate in the game:
В игре действуют следующие типы животноводческих ферм:
* Cowshed - meat and milk production;
*Коровник - производство мяса и молока;  
* Pig farm - production of meat and leather;
*Свиноферма - производство мяса и кожи;  
* Poultry farm - production of meat and eggs;
*Птицеферма - производство мяса и яиц;  
* Sheep farm - wool production;
*Овцеферма - производство шерсти;
* Apiary - production of wax, honey and royal jelly.
*Пасека - производство меда воска и маточного молока.
Кроме того, фермы могут заниматься собственно разведением животных. В этом случае молодняк (телята, поросята, цыплята или ягнята) содержится в т.н. дополнительных загонах (аналог склада готовой продукции у заводов).
In addition, farms can actually breed animals. In this case, young animals (calves, pigs, chickens or lambs) are contained in the so-called additional pens (analogue of the finished goods warehouse at the plants).
'''Размер''' – размер предприятия, определяющий его максимальное производство. Указывается в базовых единицах - блоках (в скобках указана соответствующее количество корпусов).  
'''Size''' - the size of the subdivision, determining its maximum production capacity. It is indicated in basic units - blocks (the corresponding number of work places is indicated in brackets).
'''Уровень технологии''' – текущий технологический уровень предприятия, определяющий качество и количество производимой продукции.
'''Technology''' - the current technological level of the subdivision, which determines quality and quantity of manufactured products and defines requirements for the quality of equipment and the level of qualification of employees.
[[File:animalfarm_kpi_en.png|thumb|Farm KPI]]
[[File:animalfarm_kpi_en.png|thumb|Farm KPI]]
'''Доходы''' - выручка подразделения за прошедший пересчет по реализации товаров и услуг.
'''Revenues''' - revenue of the unit for the last turn for the sale of goods and services.
'''Расходы''' - все расходы подразделения, которые были понесены в последний пересчет.
'''Expenses''' - all expenses of the unit that were incurred in the last turn.
'''Налоги''' - налоги, уплаченные подразделением. Детализация расчетов налоговой нагрузки находится в Постатейном финансовом отчете. Полную информацию о принципах налогообложения можно найти в статье [[Taxes/en|Налоги]].  
'''Taxes''' - taxes paid by the unit. Details on tax burden calculations are found in “Financial report” > “Income Statement”. Full information on the principles of taxation can be found in the article Taxes.
'''Прибыль''' - денежный поток от операций за пересчет (разница Доходов и Расходов).
'''Profit''' - cash flow from operations for last turn (difference between Revenues and Expenses).
'''Рентабельность''' - рентабельность подразделения.
'''Profitability''' - the profitability of the unit.
[[File:animalfarm_eff_en.png|thumb|Farm efficiency]]
[[File:animalfarm_eff_en.png|thumb|Farm efficiency]]
'''Эффективность офиса''' - эффективность управляющего офиса в регионе, где расположено подразделение.  
'''Efficiency of the Office''' - the efficiency of the managing office of the region, where the subdivision is located.
'''Эффективность персонала''' - определяется соответствием квалификационного уровня персонала требуемому значению. Требования к уровню квалификации персонала определяются технологией подразделения. Увеличение квалификации персонала выше требуемого уровня не влияете на показатель работы предприятия, но увеличивает нагрузку на управляющего, в результате чего его эффективность может снизиться. Для поддержания оптимального соотношения можно использовать услугу Отдел Кадров, которая в автоматическом режиме устанавливает требуемое значение квалификации персонала через корректировку заработной платы.
'''Efficiency of the staff''' - is determined by the correspondence of the qualification level of the staff to the required value. Requirements for the level of qualification of personnel are determined by the quality of the installed equipment. An increase in the qualifications of personnel above the required level does not affect the performance of the enterprise, but increases the burden on the manager, as a result of which his efficiency may decrease. To maintain the optimal ratio, you can use the Human Resources Department service, which automatically sets the required value for personnel qualifications through wage adjustments.
'''Эффективность оборудования''' - определяется здоровьем животных. Никаких требования к качеству животных на фермах нет.
'''Equipment efficiency''' - determined by the health of animals. There are no requirements for the quality of animals on farms.
'''Эффективность топ-менеджера''' – эффективность управления топ-менеджером. Зависит от соответствия квалификации топ-менеджера в профильном навыке (Животноводство) количеству и квалификации персонала во всех аналогичных (использующим данный навык) подразделениях компании в целом.
'''The efficiency of a Top Manager''' - the efficiency of management of Top-manager. Depends on the correspondence of the Top-managers skill “Livestock” to the qualifications of the staff in all similar (using this skill) subdivision of the company as a whole.
'''Эффективность производства (на момент пересчета)''' - основной индикатор того, насколько хорошо на предприятии организовано производство. Стопроцентная эффективность говорит об оптимальном уровне соотношения между размером предприятия, технологическим уровнем, количеством и квалификацией персонала, квалификацией и загрузкой и эффективностью директора предприятия. Низкая эффективность приводит к тому, что снижается объем производства и качество продукции, а также растет удельный вес бракованной продукции. Все это приводит к повышению себестоимости производства, а значит, к потере конкурентоспособности и убыткам.  
'''Production efficiency''' (at the time of turn) is the main indicator of how well the production is organized. One hundred percent efficiency speaks of the optimal level of correlation between the size of the enterprise, the technological level, the quantity and quality of equipment, the number and qualifications of personnel, the qualifications and loading and efficiency of Top-manager. Low efficiency leads to a decrease in production volume and product quality, as well as a growing proportion of defective products. All this leads to an increase in the cost of production, which means a loss of competitiveness and losses.
Итоговая эффективность зависит от четырех показателей:  
Final efficiency depends on four indicators:
*эффективности рабочих;  
* Office efficiency
*эффективности оборудования;
* Staff efficiency;
*квалификации менеджера в области "Животноводство"
* Equipment efficiency;
*эффективности работы управляющего офиса
* Top Managers "Livestock" skill level
[[File:animalfarm_staff_en.png|thumb|Farm staff]]
[[File:animalfarm_staff_en.png|thumb|Farm staff]]
'''Количество сотрудников''' – текущее количество сотрудников предприятия.
'''Quantity''' - the current number of employees in the subdivision.
'''Уровень квалификации сотрудников''' – текущий уровень квалификации сотрудников (дополнительно в скобках указывается среднегородское значение квалификации и требуемое значение, определяемое технологией. Сверхнормативный уровень квалификации сотрудников не ведет к улучшению параметров производства, но при этом предъявляет требования к уровню топ-менеджера в квалификации «Животноводство». Данный показатель можно поднять обучением персонала, либо изменением з/п (эффект от изменения з/п виден сразу же, ждать пересчета не нужно).
'''Staff qualification''' - the current qualification level of employees (in addition, the city average qualification value and the required value determined by the quality of equipment are indicated in brackets). Excessive qualification level of employees does not lead to improvement of production parameters and at the same time increases requirements for the level of “Livestock” skill of Top-manager. Qualification indicator can be raised by training staff, or by a change in salary (the effect of a change in salary is visible immediately, you do not need to wait for next turn).
'''Salary of one employee''' - weekly salary of one employee. The average salary of employees of this type of units in the city is indicated in brackets (each type has its own coefficient).
'''Зарплата одного сотрудника''' – недельная оплата труда одного сотрудника. В скобках указана средняя зарплата сотрудников данного типа подразделений в городе (для каждого типа предусмотрен свой коэффициент).
'''Production load''' - the production load level, taking into account the number of workers hired and the number of animals in the farm.
'''Уровень загрузки производства''' - уровень загрузки производства с учетом количества нанятых рабочих и количества размещенных на ферме животных.
[[File:animalfarm_eqp_en.png|thumb|Farm lievestock]]
[[File:animalfarm_eqp_en.png|thumb|Farm livestock]]
'''Количество ''' – количество животных на ферме. Наряду с Количеством рабочих определяет загрузку предприятия и его текущий производственный потенциал по объему выпускаемой продукции.
'''Quantity''' - the number of animals on the farm. Along with the number of workers determines the load of the subdivision and its current production potential in terms of output.
'''Качество''' – текущее качество животных.  
'''Здоровье животных''' – среднее здоровье животных на ферме. Здоровье животных может снизится при недостатке кормов или их низком качестве.  
'''Quality''' - the current quality of animals.
Скот на ферме содержится в 2 загонах: основном и дополнительном. Скот основного загона участвует в производстве продукции и потребляет зерно. Скот в дополнительном загоне зерно не потребляет и не влияет на работу фермы (расходы на их питание сразу начисляются в денежном эквиваленте). В дополнительный загон попадает либо выведенный новый скот на этой ферме (если специализация фермы подразумевает производство животных), либо переведенное из основных загонов поголовье. Этот скот можно выставить на продажу.
'''Livestock health''' - the average animal health on the farm. Animal health may decline if there is a lack of feed or its poor quality.
Так как закупка животных происходит условно мгновенно, а корма поступают на ферму только после пересчёта игровой ситуации, корма надо закупать заранее.
Farm cattle are kept in 2 pens: primary and additional. The cattle of the main pen are involved in the production of goods and consumes grain. Grain is not consumed by livestock in an additional pen and does not affect the operation of the farm (the cost of their food is immediately charged in cash). The additional pen either gets new livestock bred on this farm (if the specialization of the farm involves breeding of animals), or the livestock is transferred from the main pen. This cattle can be put up for sale.
Также можно найти информацию о необходимом минимальном качестве кормов, необходимых для эффективной работы фермы, при котором будет исключена заболеваемость животных.
Since the purchase of animals occurs conditionally instantly, and the feed goes to the farm only after recounting the game situation, feed must be purchased in advance.
Если животные уже заболели - на следующий ход часть из них может умереть. Кроме того, болезнь животных может отрицательно сказаться на качестве выпускаемой продукции. Для успешного выздоровления больных животных требуются корма с качеством, превышающим качество самих животных.
You can also find information on the required minimum quality of feed necessary for the efficient operation of the farm, in which the incidence of animals will be excluded. If the animals are already sick, some of them may die on the next turn. In addition, animal disease can adversely affect the quality of products. For the successful recovery of sick animals, feed is required with a quality that exceeds the quality of the animals themselves.
[[File:animalfarm_top_en.png|thumb|Farm top manager]]
[[File:animalfarm_top_en.png|thumb|Farm top manager]]
'''Суммарное количество подчинённых по профильной квалификации''' – суммарное количество работников всех предприятий данной сферы в компании. Оказывает влияние на эффективность топ-менеджера.
'''The total number of employees on profile skill''' - is the total number of employees of all subdivisions of this type in the company. It affects the efficiency of the Top-manager.
'''Квалификация игрока''' – текущая квалификация топ-менеджера в области «Животноводство». Определяет максимально возможное количество и квалификацию персонала без потери эффективности как в данном конкретном подразделении, так и во всех предприятиях компании в целом (в скобках может указываться дополнительная подсказка о запасе текущего уровня по сравнению с минимально требуемым, минимальный – 0-25%, нормальный – 25-50%, хороший 50-100%, отличный больше 100%).  
'''Skill level of player''' - the current level of “Livestock” skill. Determines the maximum possible number and qualification of employees without loss of efficiency both in this particular unit and in all subdivisions of the company as a whole (an additional hint about the stock of the current level compared to the minimum required can be indicated in brackets, minimum - 0-25%, normal - 25-50%, good 50-100%, excellent - more than 100%).
Качество выпускаемой продукции на животноводческих фермах, в отличие от заводов, зависит как от качества используемого корма, так и от качества животных на ферме. При определении качества продукции влияние фактора животных принимается равным 70%, качества корма – 30%.
The quality of products on livestock farms, unlike factories, depends on both the quality of the feed used and the quality of the animals on the farm. When determining the quality of products, the influence of the factor of animals is taken equal to 70%, and the quality of feed - 30%.
В общем и целом, для простоты восприятия, зависимость качества продукции от всех влияющих факторов можно представить в виде простой формулы: 50% от технологии + 35% от качества животных + 15% от качества корма.
In general, for ease of perception, the dependence of product quality on all influencing factors can be represented in the form of a simple formula: 50% from technology + 35% from animal quality + 15% from feed quality.
При этом стоит обратить внимание, что для прокорма животных определенного уровня необходим корм качества 1/2 от качества животных, т.е. при качестве зерна 9 максимальное качество животных, при котором ферма будет работать эффективно, составляет 18. При закупке зерна меньшего качества, нежели требуется, либо при недостатке зерна для прокорма всего поголовья скота в основных загонах, животные могут заболеть, что сказывается на качестве выпускаемой продукции, а впоследствии и вовсе умереть. Поскольку лечение животных возможно либо путем замены заболевшего поголовья, либо закупкой более качественного зерна, нежели требуется в целом по ферме, крайне нежелательно допускать факт болезни животных.
At the same time, it is worth paying attention that for feeding animals of a certain level, food of quality 1/2 of the quality of animals is required, i.e. with grain quality 9, the maximum quality of animals at which the farm will work efficiently is 18. When purchasing grain of lower quality than required, or if there is a lack of grain to feed the entire livestock in the main pens, the animals may become ill, which affects the quality of the products, and later die altogether. Since the treatment of animals is possible either by replacing the diseased livestock, or by purchasing better grain than is required on the farm as a whole, it is highly recommended to avoid animal disease.
Предприятия обрабатывающей промышленности зависят от поставок сырья. В качестве сырья могут выступать различные продукты: полезные ископаемые, продукция сельского хозяйства или материалы. Потребность в сырье для производства определенного продукта определяется технологической схемой производства.
Manufacturing enterprises depend on the supply of raw materials. Various products can be used as raw materials: minerals, agricultural products, or materials. The need for raw materials for the production of a particular product is determined by the technological scheme of production.
Сырьё может закупаться на предприятиях любой компании всего игрового пространства. Кроме того, некоторые стратегические виды сырья можно закупать у независимых поставщиков на мировом рынке. Ваше предприятие может одновременно покупать сырье у различных поставщиков, разного качества и по разным ценам. Выбор того или иного поставщика зависит от наличия на его складе достаточного количества сырья, соответствия качества сырья, а также цен, установленных поставщиками на свою продукцию, а также географическим расположением поставщиков. Некоторые поставщики могут иметь ограничения в своей сбытовой политике, поэтому не у всех производителей данного вида сырья его можно купить.
Raw materials can be purchased at the enterprises of any company in the entire playing space. In addition, some strategic types of raw materials can be purchased from independent suppliers in the global market. Your company can buy raw materials from various suppliers of different quality and at different prices at the same time. The choice of one or another supplier depends on the availability of a sufficient amount of raw materials in its warehouse, the quality of raw materials, as well as the prices established by supplier, as well as the geographic location of the supplier. Some suppliers may have restrictions in their sales policy, so not all manufacturers of this type of raw material will sell it openly.
При закупке сырья необходимо определить объем партии, закупаемой у каждого из поставщиков в неделю. Объем поставок сырья должен обеспечивать непрерывность производства, для чего зачастую необходимо создать на складе сырья некоторый запас на случай перебоев в работе поставщиков или изменения их политики сбыта. Однако накопление слишком большого запаса сырья может быть невыгодно, поскольку ведет к замораживанию капитала в активах, которые не несут прибыли, а также к повышению складских расходов.
When purchasing raw materials, it is necessary to determine the volume of a batch purchased from each of the suppliers per week. The volume of supplies of raw materials should ensure the continuity of production, therefore it is often necessary to have some reserve in the warehouse of raw materials in case of interruptions in the work of suppliers or changes in their sales policies. However, the accumulation of too much stock of raw materials can be unprofitable, since it leads to a freezing of capital in assets that do not bring profit, as well as an increase in storage costs.
Снабжение - деятельность по поставке предприятию сырья и товаров, необходимых для успешной работы предприятия (продаже товаров в магазине или производству продукции в заводах, мельницах и фермах).
'''Supply''' - the activity of supplying the necessary raw materials and goods for the successful operation of the enterprise (selling goods in a store or manufacturing products in factories, mills and farms).
Для того чтобы снабдить предприятие сырьём (товарами), необходимо заключить контракт на поставку необходимого количества сырья (товаров) с одним из поставщиков. Сделать заказ на снабжение можно двумя путями.
In order to supply the subdivision with raw materials (goods), contract is necessary in order for one of the suppliers to provide a required amount of raw materials (goods). There are two ways to place an order for supply.
Первый путь:
First way:
*Пройдите на вкладку "снабжение"
* Go to the “Supply tab”
*Пройдите к списку заказов ("кнопка добавить поставщика")
* Go to the “Order” for list of suppliers (there click "add supplier button")
*В списке заказов отображаются: название предприятия, количество ресурсов на его складе и количество свободных (доступных для заказа) ресурсов. Так же вы можете узнать стоимость ресурса (отдельно, цена, стоимость доставки и величина пошлин, общая стоимость) и его качество. Вы можете отсортировать список по любой из категорий и найти предприятие с самой низкой ценой или самым большим количеством свободных ресурсов.
* The list of suppliers displays: the name of the company, the amount of resources in its warehouse and the number of free (available for order) resources. You can also find out the cost of a resource (separately - price, delivery cost and amount of duties, total cost) and its quality. You can sort the list by any of the categories and find the company with the lowest price or the largest number of available resources.
Так же вы можете использовать фильтрацию поставщиков (нажмите надпись "расширенный фильтр"). Фильтрация позволит вам быстро отбросить предприятия, у которых уже нет свободных ресурсов для выполнения ваших заказов, а так же предприятия, которые предлагают недостаточно качественные товары.
You can also use vendor filtering (click "advanced filter"). Filtering will allow you to quickly discard enterprises that no longer have available resources to fulfill your orders, as well as companies that offer products of insufficient quality.
Второй способ заказа на снабжение удобен, если вы делаете заказ у поставщика, принадлежащего вам. Например, если у вас есть мельница, хлебозавод и магазины, то вы можете войти на вкладку "сбыт" и, нажав на кнопку (зелёный автомобильчик) слева около производимого товара (муки), выбрать свой хлебозавод и магазины и указать количество поставки для каждого. Аналогично, войдя в хлебозавод, вы можете указать количество поставки хлеба для каждого из ваших магазинов не заходя в страницы управления самими магазинами.
The second way to order for supply is convenient if you place a supply order for supplier, that belonging to you. For example, if you have a mill, a bakery and shops, then you can go to the "sales" tab and click on the button (green car) to the left of the manufactured goods (flour), select your bakery and shops and indicate the delivery quantity for each. Similarly, by entering the bakery, you can specify the amount of bread delivery for each of your stores without going to the management pages of the stores themselves.
Заказанное вами сырье будет в автоматическом режиме поступать на склад предприятия каждый пересчет при наличии его достаточного свободного для заказа количества на складе поставщика. Разрыв поставки возможен как со стороны покупателя (срабатывание фильтра по качеству или цене, ручной разрыв контракта), так и со стороны поставщика (изменение маркетинговой политики продаж, ручной разрыв). Также надо учесть, что ваш заказ может быть передвинут вверх или вниз в очереди на отгрузку. Очередь формируется поставщиком вручную, и вы можете обратиться к нему с подобной просьбой для стабилизации и гарантии поступления сырья на ваше предприятие.
The raw materials ordered by you will automatically arrive at the enterprise’s warehouse every turn if there is sufficient quantity available for ordering in the supplier’s warehouse. A break in supply is possible both on the part of the buyer (triggering a filter by quality or price, or manual contract break), and on the part of the supplier (changing the marketing policy of sales, manual break). Also note that your order can be moved up or down in the shipping queue. The queue is formed manually by the supplier, and you can contact him with a request to stabilize and guarantee the supply of raw materials to your enterprise.
Фильтр отсечения поставок продукции дает возможность производить контроль качества параметров закупаемого сырья по цене и по качеству. Отсечение поставок по цене происходит на следующий ход после изменения цены поставщиком выше установленного порога. В ход изменения цены продукция поставляется ПО СТАРОЙ цене, а в окне снабжения появляется цветовое уведомление об изменении цены. Настройка отсечения по цене имеет 6 процентных значений (5%, 10%, 20%, 50%, 100%, никогда) и устанавливаемое абсолютное значение. При повышении цены на установленную величину (на 5%, на 100$) происходит срабатывание алгоритма.
The filter for cutting off the supply of products makes it possible to carry out quality control of the parameters of the purchased raw materials price and quality wise. Cut-off of deliveries at a price occurs the next turn after the supplier changes the price above the established threshold. In the course of the price change, the products are delivered at the OLD price, and a color notification about the price change appears in the supply window. The price cut-off setting has 6 percent values (5%, 10%, 20%, 50%, 100%, never) and an absolute value that can be set. When the price rises by the set value (by 5%, by $ 100), the algorithm is triggered.
Отсечение по качеству происходит при снижении качества поставляемой продукции ниже установленного уровня. Если предложение поставщика не удовлетворяет заданным ограничениям по качеству, то в пересчёт контракт не отрабатывается, но при этом не рвётся и не обнуляется. Однако данные контракты (которые не удовлетворяют условиям по качеству) не влияют на отображаемое количество доступного товара для других покупателей.
Quality cut-off occurs when the quality of the delivered products decreases below the established level. If the supplier’s proposal does not meet the specified quality limits, then the contract is not processed for transaction, but it does not break and is not reset. However, these contracts (which do not satisfy the quality conditions) do not affect the displayed quantity of available goods for other buyers.
Ограничение на минимальное качество закупаемого товара может действовать параллельно с ценовыми ограничениями.
The restriction on the minimum quality of the purchased goods may operate in parallel with price limits.
Реализация продукции фиксируется один раз в день во время обработки данных игры. Продажа продукции происходит в том случае, если кто-то из покупателей оставил заказы на покупку продукции и у покупателя было достаточно денежных средств для оплаты всей партии заказа.
Product sales are recorded once a day during game data processing. Sale of products occur if one of the buyers left orders for the purchase of products and the buyer had enough money to pay for the entire batch of the order. The exception is the sale of equipment and animals. These purchases are made online, the goods and money are transferred instantly, at the time of the conclusion of the contract by the buyer.
Исключение составляет продажа оборудования и животных. Эти покупки осуществляются в онлайн-режиме, товар и деньги передаются мгновенно, в момент заключения контракта покупателем.
Чтобы продукция продавалась, необходимо обязательно установить цену и выбрать вид продаж. Существует четыре варианта организации продаж продукции:
In order for products to be sold, it is imperative to set a price and select a type of sales. There are five options for organizing product sales:
*не продавать - прекратить продажу продукции (используется для временной консервации продукции, например, при недостаточно благоприятной рыночной конъюнктуре);  
* “Not for sale” - stop selling products (used for temporary preservation of products, for example, in case of insufficiently favorable market conditions);
*любому покупателю - продавать продукцию без ограничения всем желающим (наиболее часто используемый вид продажи). В этом случае продукция будет доступна для заказа всем потенциальным покупателям;  
* “To any customer” - to sell products without restriction to all comers (the most commonly used type of sale). In this case, the products will be available for order to all potential buyers;
*только определенной компании - продавать продукцию только предприятиям выбранной компании. В этом случае сторонние покупатели не смогут заказать продукцию;  
* “Only to certain companies” - to sell products only to the enterprises of the selected company. In this case, third-party customers will not be able to order products;
*только собственной компании - продавать продукцию только предприятиям собственной компании. В этом случае продукция для покупателей любых других компаний недоступна;
* “Only to my company” - to sell products only to enterprises of their own company. In this case, the products are not available to buyers of any other companies;
*только участникам корпорации - продавать продукцию только членам корпорации, в которой состоит компания. В этом случае продукция для покупателей любых других компаний недоступна.
* “Only to members of the corporation” - sell products only to members of the corporation of which the company is a member of. In this case, products for buyers of any other companies are not available.
По умолчанию устанавливается нулевая цена и режим «Не продавать».
By default, the price is set to zero and the “Not for sale” mode.
На вкладке подразделения "Сбыт" отображаются не только параметры продажи продукции, но и текущий список покупателей, сделавших заказ. Если на вашу продукцию отсутствуют заказы, возможно, что она имеет завышенную цену, либо низкие качество и (или) бренд. Также вы можете изменять очередь отгрузки, отдавая приоритет тем или иным контрактам.
On the tab of the "Sales" unit, not only the sales parameters of the products are displayed, but also the current list of customers who placed the order. If there are no orders for your products, it is possible that its price is too high, or quality and (or) brand values are to low. You can also change the shipment queue, giving priority to certain contracts.
Все производственные предприятия характеризуются определенным технологическим уровнем. Уровень технологии влияет на производительность труда рабочих и качество продукции. Чем выше уровень технология, тем выше производительность труда и выше качество. С другой стороны, технологический уровень накладывает более высокие требования к квалификации рабочих и качеству оборудования. Кроме того, с ростом технологического уровня растут затраты на электроэнергию.
All manufacturing enterprises are characterized by a certain technological level. The level of technology affects the productivity of workers and product quality. The higher the level of technology, the higher labor productivity and higher quality. On the other hand, the technological level imposes higher requirements on the qualifications of workers and the quality of equipment. In addition, with the growth of the technological level, energy costs are rising.
Внедрить технологию можно 2 способами: покупкой самой технологии (либо ее изучением) и последующей установкой на любое из предприятий соответствующего типа, либо покупкой разового права на установку технологии (лицензии) на конкретное предприятие.
There are 2 ways to introduce a technology: by purchasing the technology itself (or by researching it) and then installing it on any of the subdivision of the corresponding type, or by purchasing a one-time right to install the technology (license) for a particular subdivision. The payment for raising the technological level of an enterprise by purchasing the technology itself consists of two parts: payment for the purchase of technology and payment for implementation. Technology is purchased once by the company, that is, when the technological level of another subdivision of the same type is raised, the company pays only for the introduction of the technology.
Плата за повышение технологического уровня предприятия путем покупки собственно технологии состоит из двух частей: плата за покупку технологии и плата за внедрение. Покупка технологии осуществляется компанией один раз, то есть при повышении технологического уровня другого предприятия такого же типа компания платит только за внедрение технологии.
Иная возможность внедрения технологий только на одном подразделении - как альтернатива рынку технологий, покупаемых для внедрения игроком на всех предприятий определенной отрасли его деятельности - создание рынка продаж так называемых лицензий. Для представителей мелкого и среднего бизнеса покупка лицензий - альтернатива покупки технологий в случае, когда у игрока нет средств для покупки технологии, либо когда у игрока количество предприятий одной определенной отрасли незначительно и покупка технологии экономически не оправдана. Подробнее о процедуре приобретения лицензий смотрите в разделе [[Science/ru|Наука]].
Another possibility of introducing technologies in only one division is the creation of a sales market for so-called licenses, as an alternative to the technology market, bought by the players for introduction in all subdivisions of a certain type. For representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, the purchase of licenses is an alternative for buying technology in the case when the player does not have the means to purchase technology, or when the player has a small number of enterprises in one particular industry and the purchase of technology is not economically justified. For more information about the procedure for acquiring licenses, see the Science section.
При покупке высокотехнологичного предприятия у другого игрока его технология не становится собственностью компании, хотя и используется на купленном предприятии. Поэтому, если вы захотите установить этот технологический уровень уже на другом своем предприятии, вам опять придется оплатить как покупку технологии, так и её внедрение.
When you purchase a high-tech subdivision from another player, its technology does not become the property of the company, although it is used at the acquired subdivision. Therefore, if you want to establish this technological level at your other subdivisions, you will again have to pay for both the purchase of the technology and its implementation.

Latest revision as of 16:30, 3 August 2022


Animal farm

Specialization - the current specialization of the enterprise, which determines the type of products. The following types of livestock farms operate in the game:

  • Cowshed - meat and milk production;
  • Pig farm - production of meat and leather;
  • Poultry farm - production of meat and eggs;
  • Sheep farm - wool production;
  • Apiary - production of wax, honey and royal jelly.

In addition, farms can actually breed animals. In this case, young animals (calves, pigs, chickens or lambs) are contained in the so-called additional pens (analogue of the finished goods warehouse at the plants).

Size - the size of the subdivision, determining its maximum production capacity. It is indicated in basic units - blocks (the corresponding number of work places is indicated in brackets).

Technology - the current technological level of the subdivision, which determines quality and quantity of manufactured products and defines requirements for the quality of equipment and the level of qualification of employees.


Farm KPI

Revenues - revenue of the unit for the last turn for the sale of goods and services.

Expenses - all expenses of the unit that were incurred in the last turn.

Taxes - taxes paid by the unit. Details on tax burden calculations are found in “Financial report” > “Income Statement”. Full information on the principles of taxation can be found in the article Taxes.

Profit - cash flow from operations for last turn (difference between Revenues and Expenses).

Profitability - the profitability of the unit.


Farm efficiency

Efficiency of the Office - the efficiency of the managing office of the region, where the subdivision is located.

Efficiency of the staff - is determined by the correspondence of the qualification level of the staff to the required value. Requirements for the level of qualification of personnel are determined by the quality of the installed equipment. An increase in the qualifications of personnel above the required level does not affect the performance of the enterprise, but increases the burden on the manager, as a result of which his efficiency may decrease. To maintain the optimal ratio, you can use the Human Resources Department service, which automatically sets the required value for personnel qualifications through wage adjustments.

Equipment efficiency - determined by the health of animals. There are no requirements for the quality of animals on farms.

The efficiency of a Top Manager - the efficiency of management of Top-manager. Depends on the correspondence of the Top-managers skill “Livestock” to the qualifications of the staff in all similar (using this skill) subdivision of the company as a whole.

Production efficiency (at the time of turn) is the main indicator of how well the production is organized. One hundred percent efficiency speaks of the optimal level of correlation between the size of the enterprise, the technological level, the quantity and quality of equipment, the number and qualifications of personnel, the qualifications and loading and efficiency of Top-manager. Low efficiency leads to a decrease in production volume and product quality, as well as a growing proportion of defective products. All this leads to an increase in the cost of production, which means a loss of competitiveness and losses.

Final efficiency depends on four indicators:

  • Office efficiency
  • Staff efficiency;
  • Equipment efficiency;
  • Top Managers "Livestock" skill level


Farm staff

Quantity - the current number of employees in the subdivision.

Staff qualification - the current qualification level of employees (in addition, the city average qualification value and the required value determined by the quality of equipment are indicated in brackets). Excessive qualification level of employees does not lead to improvement of production parameters and at the same time increases requirements for the level of “Livestock” skill of Top-manager. Qualification indicator can be raised by training staff, or by a change in salary (the effect of a change in salary is visible immediately, you do not need to wait for next turn).

Salary of one employee - weekly salary of one employee. The average salary of employees of this type of units in the city is indicated in brackets (each type has its own coefficient).

Production load - the production load level, taking into account the number of workers hired and the number of animals in the farm.


Farm livestock

Quantity - the number of animals on the farm. Along with the number of workers determines the load of the subdivision and its current production potential in terms of output.

Quality - the current quality of animals.

Livestock health - the average animal health on the farm. Animal health may decline if there is a lack of feed or its poor quality.

Farm cattle are kept in 2 pens: primary and additional. The cattle of the main pen are involved in the production of goods and consumes grain. Grain is not consumed by livestock in an additional pen and does not affect the operation of the farm (the cost of their food is immediately charged in cash). The additional pen either gets new livestock bred on this farm (if the specialization of the farm involves breeding of animals), or the livestock is transferred from the main pen. This cattle can be put up for sale.

Since the purchase of animals occurs conditionally instantly, and the feed goes to the farm only after recounting the game situation, feed must be purchased in advance.

You can also find information on the required minimum quality of feed necessary for the efficient operation of the farm, in which the incidence of animals will be excluded. If the animals are already sick, some of them may die on the next turn. In addition, animal disease can adversely affect the quality of products. For the successful recovery of sick animals, feed is required with a quality that exceeds the quality of the animals themselves.


Farm top manager

The total number of employees on profile skill - is the total number of employees of all subdivisions of this type in the company. It affects the efficiency of the Top-manager.

Skill level of player - the current level of “Livestock” skill. Determines the maximum possible number and qualification of employees without loss of efficiency both in this particular unit and in all subdivisions of the company as a whole (an additional hint about the stock of the current level compared to the minimum required can be indicated in brackets, minimum - 0-25%, normal - 25-50%, good 50-100%, excellent - more than 100%).


The quality of products on livestock farms, unlike factories, depends on both the quality of the feed used and the quality of the animals on the farm. When determining the quality of products, the influence of the factor of animals is taken equal to 70%, and the quality of feed - 30%.

In general, for ease of perception, the dependence of product quality on all influencing factors can be represented in the form of a simple formula: 50% from technology + 35% from animal quality + 15% from feed quality.

At the same time, it is worth paying attention that for feeding animals of a certain level, food of quality 1/2 of the quality of animals is required, i.e. with grain quality 9, the maximum quality of animals at which the farm will work efficiently is 18. When purchasing grain of lower quality than required, or if there is a lack of grain to feed the entire livestock in the main pens, the animals may become ill, which affects the quality of the products, and later die altogether. Since the treatment of animals is possible either by replacing the diseased livestock, or by purchasing better grain than is required on the farm as a whole, it is highly recommended to avoid animal disease.


Manufacturing enterprises depend on the supply of raw materials. Various products can be used as raw materials: minerals, agricultural products, or materials. The need for raw materials for the production of a particular product is determined by the technological scheme of production.

Raw materials can be purchased at the enterprises of any company in the entire playing space. In addition, some strategic types of raw materials can be purchased from independent suppliers in the global market. Your company can buy raw materials from various suppliers of different quality and at different prices at the same time. The choice of one or another supplier depends on the availability of a sufficient amount of raw materials in its warehouse, the quality of raw materials, as well as the prices established by supplier, as well as the geographic location of the supplier. Some suppliers may have restrictions in their sales policy, so not all manufacturers of this type of raw material will sell it openly.

When purchasing raw materials, it is necessary to determine the volume of a batch purchased from each of the suppliers per week. The volume of supplies of raw materials should ensure the continuity of production, therefore it is often necessary to have some reserve in the warehouse of raw materials in case of interruptions in the work of suppliers or changes in their sales policies. However, the accumulation of too much stock of raw materials can be unprofitable, since it leads to a freezing of capital in assets that do not bring profit, as well as an increase in storage costs.

Supply - the activity of supplying the necessary raw materials and goods for the successful operation of the enterprise (selling goods in a store or manufacturing products in factories, mills and farms).

In order to supply the subdivision with raw materials (goods), contract is necessary in order for one of the suppliers to provide a required amount of raw materials (goods). There are two ways to place an order for supply.

First way:

  • Go to the “Supply tab”
  • Go to the “Order” for list of suppliers (there click "add supplier button")
  • The list of suppliers displays: the name of the company, the amount of resources in its warehouse and the number of free (available for order) resources. You can also find out the cost of a resource (separately - price, delivery cost and amount of duties, total cost) and its quality. You can sort the list by any of the categories and find the company with the lowest price or the largest number of available resources.

You can also use vendor filtering (click "advanced filter"). Filtering will allow you to quickly discard enterprises that no longer have available resources to fulfill your orders, as well as companies that offer products of insufficient quality.

The second way to order for supply is convenient if you place a supply order for supplier, that belonging to you. For example, if you have a mill, a bakery and shops, then you can go to the "sales" tab and click on the button (green car) to the left of the manufactured goods (flour), select your bakery and shops and indicate the delivery quantity for each. Similarly, by entering the bakery, you can specify the amount of bread delivery for each of your stores without going to the management pages of the stores themselves.

The raw materials ordered by you will automatically arrive at the enterprise’s warehouse every turn if there is sufficient quantity available for ordering in the supplier’s warehouse. A break in supply is possible both on the part of the buyer (triggering a filter by quality or price, or manual contract break), and on the part of the supplier (changing the marketing policy of sales, manual break). Also note that your order can be moved up or down in the shipping queue. The queue is formed manually by the supplier, and you can contact him with a request to stabilize and guarantee the supply of raw materials to your enterprise.

The filter for cutting off the supply of products makes it possible to carry out quality control of the parameters of the purchased raw materials price and quality wise. Cut-off of deliveries at a price occurs the next turn after the supplier changes the price above the established threshold. In the course of the price change, the products are delivered at the OLD price, and a color notification about the price change appears in the supply window. The price cut-off setting has 6 percent values (5%, 10%, 20%, 50%, 100%, never) and an absolute value that can be set. When the price rises by the set value (by 5%, by $ 100), the algorithm is triggered.

Quality cut-off occurs when the quality of the delivered products decreases below the established level. If the supplier’s proposal does not meet the specified quality limits, then the contract is not processed for transaction, but it does not break and is not reset. However, these contracts (which do not satisfy the quality conditions) do not affect the displayed quantity of available goods for other buyers.

The restriction on the minimum quality of the purchased goods may operate in parallel with price limits.


Product sales are recorded once a day during game data processing. Sale of products occur if one of the buyers left orders for the purchase of products and the buyer had enough money to pay for the entire batch of the order. The exception is the sale of equipment and animals. These purchases are made online, the goods and money are transferred instantly, at the time of the conclusion of the contract by the buyer.

In order for products to be sold, it is imperative to set a price and select a type of sales. There are five options for organizing product sales:

  • “Not for sale” - stop selling products (used for temporary preservation of products, for example, in case of insufficiently favorable market conditions);
  • “To any customer” - to sell products without restriction to all comers (the most commonly used type of sale). In this case, the products will be available for order to all potential buyers;
  • “Only to certain companies” - to sell products only to the enterprises of the selected company. In this case, third-party customers will not be able to order products;
  • “Only to my company” - to sell products only to enterprises of their own company. In this case, the products are not available to buyers of any other companies;
  • “Only to members of the corporation” - sell products only to members of the corporation of which the company is a member of. In this case, products for buyers of any other companies are not available.

By default, the price is set to zero and the “Not for sale” mode.

On the tab of the "Sales" unit, not only the sales parameters of the products are displayed, but also the current list of customers who placed the order. If there are no orders for your products, it is possible that its price is too high, or quality and (or) brand values are to low. You can also change the shipment queue, giving priority to certain contracts.


All manufacturing enterprises are characterized by a certain technological level. The level of technology affects the productivity of workers and product quality. The higher the level of technology, the higher labor productivity and higher quality. On the other hand, the technological level imposes higher requirements on the qualifications of workers and the quality of equipment. In addition, with the growth of the technological level, energy costs are rising.

There are 2 ways to introduce a technology: by purchasing the technology itself (or by researching it) and then installing it on any of the subdivision of the corresponding type, or by purchasing a one-time right to install the technology (license) for a particular subdivision. The payment for raising the technological level of an enterprise by purchasing the technology itself consists of two parts: payment for the purchase of technology and payment for implementation. Technology is purchased once by the company, that is, when the technological level of another subdivision of the same type is raised, the company pays only for the introduction of the technology.

Another possibility of introducing technologies in only one division is the creation of a sales market for so-called licenses, as an alternative to the technology market, bought by the players for introduction in all subdivisions of a certain type. For representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, the purchase of licenses is an alternative for buying technology in the case when the player does not have the means to purchase technology, or when the player has a small number of enterprises in one particular industry and the purchase of technology is not economically justified. For more information about the procedure for acquiring licenses, see the Science section.

When you purchase a high-tech subdivision from another player, its technology does not become the property of the company, although it is used at the acquired subdivision. Therefore, if you want to establish this technological level at your other subdivisions, you will again have to pay for both the purchase of the technology and its implementation.