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В '''Виртономике''' управление производственными, торговыми и другими предприятиями осуществляется из офисов компании. В каждом регионе, где у компании есть предприятия, должен быть открыт офис компании - её представительство, иначе предприятия не смогут работать.
|title=Help Office - Main business processes are managed from the company's offices.
Эффективность работы офиса зависит от достаточного количества сотрудников и их квалификации, а также от установленного оборудования – компьютеров. Чем больше предприятий находится в управлении офиса и чем выше уровень затрат на рекламу в нем, тем больше требуется сотрудников для его эффективной работы. С другой стороны, чем больше в офисе сотрудников, тем большая квалификация требуется от топ-менеджера.
|description=The efficiency of the office depends on a sufficient number of employees and their qualification, as well as on the installed equipment - computers.
All production, trading and other enterprises are managed from the company's offices. In each region where the company has enterprises, a branch/regional office should be opened, otherwise the enterprises will not be able to work.
The efficiency of the office depends on a sufficient number of employees and their qualification, as well as on the installed equipment - computers. The more enterprises are managed by the office and the higher the level of advertising costs, the more employees are required for its effective work. On the other hand, the more employees there are in the office, the greater skill level is required from the Top manager.
'''Размер офиса''' – размерность подразделения в базовых единицах - блоках (в скобках указано максимальное количество сотрудников для текущего размера офиса).
'''Office size''' - the unit size in basic units - blocks (maximum number of employees for the current office size is shown in the brackets).
'''Расходы на аренду''' – еженедельные расходы офиса на аренду помещений. Расходы на аренду офиса прямо пропорциональны его размеру. Зависят также от города расположения офиса - чем более экономически развит город, тем выше стоимость аренды.
'''Rent expenses''' - weekly office expenses for the rent of premises. The cost of rent of an office is directly proportional to its size. The location of the city of the office also matters - the more economically developed the city and country, the higher the rental cost.
[[File:office_kpi_en.png|thumb|Office KPI]]
[[File:office_kpi_en.png|thumb|Office KPI]]
'''Загруженность офиса''' – показатель, определяющий загрузку «мощностей» офиса. Нагрузка складывается из трёх основных факторов: офис грузит реклама товаров и магазинов, грузят склады (суммарная площадь предприятий типа «Склад» в данном регионе) и его грузят работники подконтрольных предприятий (при этом учитывается не только их суммарное количество, но и квалификация, а также тип предприятия - то есть, к примеру, 10 учёных потребуют от управляющего офиса больших усилий, чем 10 шахтёров).
'''Office workload''' is an indicator that determines how loaded office “capacities” are. The load consists of three main factors: advertising of goods and shops, warehouses (the total area of enterprises of the “Warehouse” type in a given region) and it is loaded by total number of employees of controlled subdivisions (not only their total number, but also their qualifications, and type of enterprise, for example, 10 scientists will require more effort from the management office, compared to 10 miners). Advertising load in the office is calculated accordingly - the advertising costs of stores located in the region load office two times less than advertising of goods for the same amount. In both cases, the level of skill “Marketing” of the Top Manager, additionally reduces the load (by about 3% for each subsequent skill level).
При учёте рекламной нагрузки затраты на рекламу находящихся в регионе магазинов нагружают офис в два раза меньше, чем рекламой товаров на такую же сумму. И в том, и в другом случае уровень квалификации топ-менеджера в области «Маркетинг» дополнительно уменьшает управленческую нагрузку (примерно на 3% на каждый последующий балл квалификации).
'''Количество подразделений в управлении''' – количество подразделений компании в регионе, в котором находится офис.
'''Units under control''' - number of subdivisions in the region in which the office is located.
'''Количество рабочих''' – суммарное количество работников на данных предприятиях.
'''Number of workers''' - total number of workers in these enterprises.
'''Расходы на рекламу''' – общая сумма текущих затрат на брендирование по всем рекламным кампаниям на данный момент. Оказывает влияние на уровень управленческой нагрузки.
'''Advertising expenses''' - the total current costs of branding for all advertising campaigns at the moment. It affects the level of Office workload.
'''Эффективность рекламы''' – эффективность рекламы в офисе (только в нем!) при текущем уровне расходов на рекламу. Эффективность рекламы меньше 100% означает, что рекламный бюджет расходуется не идеально, т.е. часть денег пропадает впустую. Определяется соотношением общей суммы расходов на рекламу к предельной сумме, допустимой для текущего уровня квалификации топ-менеджера в области «Маркетинг». Также эффективность рекламы зависит от общей эффективности офиса (показатель динамически пересчитывается при любом изменении суммы рекламных кампаний в офисе, однако при этом учитывается ТЕКУЩАЯ эффективность офиса (за прошедший пересчет)).
'''Advertising efficiency''' - the efficiency of advertising in the office (only in it!) at the current level of advertising costs. An advertising efficiency of less than 100% means that the advertising budget is not spent perfectly, i.e. part of the money is wasted. It is determined by the ratio of the total amount of advertising costs and the maximum amount acceptable for the current level of “Marketing” skill of the Top Manager. Also, the effectiveness of advertising depends on the overall efficiency of the office (the indicator is dynamically recalculated with any change in the amount of advertising campaigns in the office, however, the CURRENT office efficiency (for the last turn) is taken into account).
'''Рекламируемые товары''' - список рекламируемых офисом товаров.
'''Advertised products''' — A list of products advertised by the office.
[[File:office_eff_en.png|thumb|Office efficiency]]
[[File:office_eff_en.png|thumb|Office efficiency]]
'''Эффективность персонала''' – эффективность персонала. Для того чтобы достичь 100% эффективности персонала необходимо: (а) обеспечить минимально требуемый уровень квалификации сотрудников; (б) дополнительно увеличить ''Управленческую мощность офиса'' с тем, чтобы соответствовать уровню управленческой нагрузки, которую несёт офис.
'''Staff efficiency''' - employee efficiency. In order to achieve 100% staff efficiency, it is necessary to: (a) ensure the minimum required level of staff qualifications; (b) further increase the management capacity of the office in order to meet the level of workload that the office bears.
'''Эффективность оборудования''' – итоговый показатель работы компьютеров в офисе. Зависит от износа оборудования.
'''Equipment efficiency''' - is the final indicator of the work of computers in the office. Depends on equipment wear and tear.
'''Эффективность топ-менеджера''' – эффективность управления офисом топ-менеджером. Зависит от соответствия квалификации топ-менеджера в навыке "Управление" количеству и квалификации персонала как в данном конкретном офисе, так и во всех офисах компании в целом.
'''Efficiency of a Тop Мanager''' - the efficiency of office management by a Тop Мanager. Depends on how “Management” skill of the Top Manager corresponds to qualifications of the staff both in this particular office and in all the offices of the company as a whole.
'''Эффективность работы''' - эффективность, с которой офис управлял предприятиями региона в прошедший пересчет. Является функцией 3 показателей: эффективность персонала, эффективность оборудования и эффективность топ-менеджера. При эффективности работы офиса меньше 100%, эффективность работы всех предприятий региона может понизиться.
'''Office Efficiency''' – level of efficiency achieved by the office by managing all of its subdivisions during last turn. Summary of 3 indicators: personnel efficiency, equipment efficiency and Top Manager efficiency. If office efficiency is less than 100%, the efficiency of all enterprises in the region may decrease.
[[File:office_staff_en.png|thumb|Office staff]]
[[File:office_staff_en.png|thumb|Office staff]]
'''Количество сотрудников''' – текущее количество сотрудников в офисе.
'''Number of employees''' - the current number of employees in the office.
'''Квалификация сотрудников''' – текущий уровень квалификации сотрудников в офисе (дополнительно в скобках указывается среднегородское значение квалификации и требуемое значение, определяемое для офисов только качеством компьютеров.
'''Staff qualification''' - the current level of qualification of employees in the office (in addition, the average city qualification value and the required value, which is determined by the quality of computers, are indicated in brackets).
'''Зарплата одного сотрудника''' – недельная оплата труда одного сотрудника. В скобках указана средняя зарплата сотрудников офисов в городе, равная 150% от среднегородского уровня оплаты труда.
'''Salary of one employee''' - weekly salary of one employee. The average salary of office workers in the city is shown in brackets, which is equal to 150% of the average city wage level.
[[File:office_eqp_en.png|thumb|Office equipment]]
[[File:office_eqp_en.png|thumb|Office equipment]]
'''Количество''' - текущее количество компьютеров в офисе. Оптимальное количество компьютеров в офисе равно количеству сотрудников. Если текущее количество компьютеров меньше числа сотрудников офиса, часть сотрудников не сможет работать. Если текущее количество компьютеров больше числа сотрудников офиса, часть компьютеров не используется, при этом изнашиваются только используемые компьютеры, а износ начисляется на все (процент износа пропорционально уменьшается).
'''Quantity''' - the current number of computers in the office. The optimal number of computers in the office is equal to the number of employees. If the current number of computers is less than the number of office employees, some employees will not be able to work. If the current number of computers is more than the number of office employees, some of the computers are not used, while only used computers are worn out, and wear and tear is applied for everything (the percentage of wear and tear is proportionally reduced).
'''Качество''' – показатель качества установленных в офисе компьютеров. Чем выше качество оборудования, тем большая квалификация персонала требуется для эффективной работы на нем. В то же время каждая единица качества оборудования увеличивает мощность офиса на 3%.
'''Quality''' - an indicator of the quality of computers installed in the office. The higher the quality of the equipment, the greater the qualification of the personnel is required to work effectively with it. At the same time, each unit of equipment quality increases office capacity by 3%.
'''Износ''' – уровень изношенности оборудования. Нормативный срок службы компьютеров 5 виртолет (еженедельный базовый износ составляет примерно 0,38%). Кроме того, на износ влияет само качество оборудования (износ снижается на 1% на каждую единицу качества) и соотношение требуемой и текущей квалификации работающего на нем персонала (работники с меньшей, нежели требуемая, квалификацией изнашивают оборудование быстрее, чем более умные сотрудники). Изношенное оборудование напрямую влияет на его эффективность. Допустимый износ компьютеров в офисе, не влияющий на эффективность работы оборудования, установлен в пределах 3%. В скобках указывается износ оборудования в единицах. Поскольку износ исчисляется в процентах, то возможен частичной износ единицы оборудования – в таком случае к значению изношенного количества оборудования добавляется маркер «+. Починить неполностью изношенный компьютер можно только его полной заменой.
'''Wear and tear''' - the level of deterioration of equipment. The standard life of computers is 5 virtual years (weekly base wear is approximately 0.38%). In addition, the quality of the equipment itself affects the wear and tear (reduced by 1% per 1 quality of unit) and the ratio of the required and current qualifications of the personnel working with it (workers with less than required qualifications wear out equipment faster than more intelligent employees). Worn equipment directly affects its performance. Allowed wear and tear of computers in the office, not affecting the efficiency of the equipment, is set within 3%. The brackets indicate the wear of the equipment in units. Since depreciation is calculated as a percentage, partial wear and tear of a piece of equipment is possible - in this case, the “+1” marker is added to the value of the amount of the worn-out equipment. You can fix an incompletely worn computer only by completely replacing it.
[[File:office_top_en.png|thumb|Office top-manager]]
[[File:office_top_en.png|thumb|Office top-manager]]
'''Суммарное количество подчинённых по профильной квалификации''' – суммарное количество работников всех офисов компании. Оказывает влияние на эффективность топ-менеджера.
'''Total number of employees on profile skill''' - is the total number of employees of all offices of the company. It affects the effectiveness of the top manager.
'''Квалификация игрока''' – текущая квалификация топ-менеджера в области «Управление». Определяет максимально возможное количество и квалификацию персонала без потери эффективности как в данном конкретном офисе, так и во всех офисах компании в целом (в скобках может указываться дополнительная подсказка о запасе текущего уровня по сравнению с минимально требуемым, минимальный – 0-25%, нормальный – 25-50%, хороший 50-100%, отличный больше 100%).
'''Player skill level''' - the current level of “Management” skill of the Top manager. Determines the maximum possible number and qualifications of employees without loss of efficiency both in this particular office and in all offices of the company as a whole (an additional hint about the reserve of the current skill level compared to the minimum required can be indicated in the brackets, minimum - 0-25%, normal - 25-50%, good 50-100%, excellent more than 100%).
В закладке "Подразделения" представлена информация обо всех юнитах, находящихся в регионе офиса.
In the "Units" tab, information is provided about all units managed by the region office. In addition to general information about the type of unit, its location and effectiveness, the share of the administrative load on the office, that each specific unit provides, is indicated. Often this information helps identify problematic enterprises that are causing an excess load due to improper management.
Помимо общей информации о типе подразделения, его расположении и эффективности, указывается доля управленческой нагрузки на офис, которую оказывает каждое конкретное подразделение. Зачастую эта информация помогает выявить проблемные предприятия, которые несут сверхнормативную нагрузку из-за неправильной настройки.
Информация по текущим рекламным кампаниям представлена на управляющей вкладке "Реклама", где представлены следующие показатели:
Information on current advertising campaigns is presented on the "Advertising" control tab, where the following indicators are presented:
* Сводная таблица рекламных акций, включающая информацию о рекламируемых товарах, их бренду, городах региона, где идёт реклама, суммарных расходах и эффективности;  
* Подробная сводка о каждой акции: расходы в неделю, рекламные каналы (интернет, печатные издания, наружная реклама, радио, телевидение), города и эффективность.  
*A summary table of promotions, including information about the advertised goods, their brand value, cities in the region where the ad is running, total costs and effectiveness;
* Эффективность рекламы - ожидаемая эффективность рекламной кампании на следующей неделе. Оптимальный уровень эффективности - 100%. Если эффективность рекламы меньше 100%, рекламный бюджет нуждается в пересмотре, так как часть расходов на рекламу окажется выброшенной на ветер.
*A detailed summary of each action: expenses per week, advertising channels (Internet, print media, outdoor advertising, radio, television), cities and effectiveness.
*Advertising Efficiency - The expected performance of an ad campaign next week. The optimal level of efficiency is 100%. If the effectiveness of advertising is less than 100%, the advertising budget needs to be reviewed, as part of the cost of advertising will be wasted.
Сводная таблица энергопотребления предприятий региона.
A summary table of the energy consumption of enterprises in the region. The total energy consumption at all enterprises is indicated on the top line, and the total energy consumption for each city in the region is indicated in the city column. This information is very important when supplying enterprises with energy of their own production. Please note that a number of power plants have a restriction on the sale of electricity (region, city), therefore, when placing capacities, it is necessary to be guided by the correspondence of generation and consumption.
Общий расход электроэнергии на всех предприятиях указан в верхней строке, а в колонке города указаны суммарные энергозатраты по каждому городу в регионе. Эта информация очень важна при снабжении своих предприятий энергией собственного производства. Обратите внимание, что у ряда электростанций есть ограничение на реализацию электроэнергии (регион, город), поэтому при размещении мощностей необходимо руководствоваться соответствием генерации и потреблением.
Информация обо всех офисах Вашей компании.
Information about all the offices of your company.

Latest revision as of 16:27, 3 August 2022

All production, trading and other enterprises are managed from the company's offices. In each region where the company has enterprises, a branch/regional office should be opened, otherwise the enterprises will not be able to work.

The efficiency of the office depends on a sufficient number of employees and their qualification, as well as on the installed equipment - computers. The more enterprises are managed by the office and the higher the level of advertising costs, the more employees are required for its effective work. On the other hand, the more employees there are in the office, the greater skill level is required from the Top manager.



Office size - the unit size in basic units - blocks (maximum number of employees for the current office size is shown in the brackets).

Rent expenses - weekly office expenses for the rent of premises. The cost of rent of an office is directly proportional to its size. The location of the city of the office also matters - the more economically developed the city and country, the higher the rental cost.


Office KPI

Office workload is an indicator that determines how loaded office “capacities” are. The load consists of three main factors: advertising of goods and shops, warehouses (the total area of enterprises of the “Warehouse” type in a given region) and it is loaded by total number of employees of controlled subdivisions (not only their total number, but also their qualifications, and type of enterprise, for example, 10 scientists will require more effort from the management office, compared to 10 miners). Advertising load in the office is calculated accordingly - the advertising costs of stores located in the region load office two times less than advertising of goods for the same amount. In both cases, the level of skill “Marketing” of the Top Manager, additionally reduces the load (by about 3% for each subsequent skill level).

Units under control - number of subdivisions in the region in which the office is located.

Number of workers - total number of workers in these enterprises.

Advertising expenses - the total current costs of branding for all advertising campaigns at the moment. It affects the level of Office workload.

Advertising efficiency - the efficiency of advertising in the office (only in it!) at the current level of advertising costs. An advertising efficiency of less than 100% means that the advertising budget is not spent perfectly, i.e. part of the money is wasted. It is determined by the ratio of the total amount of advertising costs and the maximum amount acceptable for the current level of “Marketing” skill of the Top Manager. Also, the effectiveness of advertising depends on the overall efficiency of the office (the indicator is dynamically recalculated with any change in the amount of advertising campaigns in the office, however, the CURRENT office efficiency (for the last turn) is taken into account).

Advertised products — A list of products advertised by the office.


Office efficiency

Staff efficiency - employee efficiency. In order to achieve 100% staff efficiency, it is necessary to: (a) ensure the minimum required level of staff qualifications; (b) further increase the management capacity of the office in order to meet the level of workload that the office bears.

Equipment efficiency - is the final indicator of the work of computers in the office. Depends on equipment wear and tear.

Efficiency of a Тop Мanager - the efficiency of office management by a Тop Мanager. Depends on how “Management” skill of the Top Manager corresponds to qualifications of the staff both in this particular office and in all the offices of the company as a whole.

Office Efficiency – level of efficiency achieved by the office by managing all of its subdivisions during last turn. Summary of 3 indicators: personnel efficiency, equipment efficiency and Top Manager efficiency. If office efficiency is less than 100%, the efficiency of all enterprises in the region may decrease.


Office staff

Number of employees - the current number of employees in the office.

Staff qualification - the current level of qualification of employees in the office (in addition, the average city qualification value and the required value, which is determined by the quality of computers, are indicated in brackets).

Salary of one employee - weekly salary of one employee. The average salary of office workers in the city is shown in brackets, which is equal to 150% of the average city wage level.


Office equipment

Quantity - the current number of computers in the office. The optimal number of computers in the office is equal to the number of employees. If the current number of computers is less than the number of office employees, some employees will not be able to work. If the current number of computers is more than the number of office employees, some of the computers are not used, while only used computers are worn out, and wear and tear is applied for everything (the percentage of wear and tear is proportionally reduced).

Quality - an indicator of the quality of computers installed in the office. The higher the quality of the equipment, the greater the qualification of the personnel is required to work effectively with it. At the same time, each unit of equipment quality increases office capacity by 3%.

Wear and tear - the level of deterioration of equipment. The standard life of computers is 5 virtual years (weekly base wear is approximately 0.38%). In addition, the quality of the equipment itself affects the wear and tear (reduced by 1% per 1 quality of unit) and the ratio of the required and current qualifications of the personnel working with it (workers with less than required qualifications wear out equipment faster than more intelligent employees). Worn equipment directly affects its performance. Allowed wear and tear of computers in the office, not affecting the efficiency of the equipment, is set within 3%. The brackets indicate the wear of the equipment in units. Since depreciation is calculated as a percentage, partial wear and tear of a piece of equipment is possible - in this case, the “+1” marker is added to the value of the amount of the worn-out equipment. You can fix an incompletely worn computer only by completely replacing it.


Office top-manager

Total number of employees on profile skill - is the total number of employees of all offices of the company. It affects the effectiveness of the top manager.

Player skill level - the current level of “Management” skill of the Top manager. Determines the maximum possible number and qualifications of employees without loss of efficiency both in this particular office and in all offices of the company as a whole (an additional hint about the reserve of the current skill level compared to the minimum required can be indicated in the brackets, minimum - 0-25%, normal - 25-50%, good 50-100%, excellent more than 100%).


In the "Units" tab, information is provided about all units managed by the region office. In addition to general information about the type of unit, its location and effectiveness, the share of the administrative load on the office, that each specific unit provides, is indicated. Often this information helps identify problematic enterprises that are causing an excess load due to improper management.


Information on current advertising campaigns is presented on the "Advertising" control tab, where the following indicators are presented:

  • A summary table of promotions, including information about the advertised goods, their brand value, cities in the region where the ad is running, total costs and effectiveness;
  • A detailed summary of each action: expenses per week, advertising channels (Internet, print media, outdoor advertising, radio, television), cities and effectiveness.
  • Advertising Efficiency - The expected performance of an ad campaign next week. The optimal level of efficiency is 100%. If the effectiveness of advertising is less than 100%, the advertising budget needs to be reviewed, as part of the cost of advertising will be wasted.


A summary table of the energy consumption of enterprises in the region. The total energy consumption at all enterprises is indicated on the top line, and the total energy consumption for each city in the region is indicated in the city column. This information is very important when supplying enterprises with energy of their own production. Please note that a number of power plants have a restriction on the sale of electricity (region, city), therefore, when placing capacities, it is necessary to be guided by the correspondence of generation and consumption.


Information about all the offices of your company.